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Luke Bizzy

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After almost two years without a Cairn (or any dog) in the house, we are on track to adopt a 2 year old brindle male this Friday. It's taken this long to heal enough from the passing of our last furkid to be ready to take the plunge again. It's certainly been the longest without one in our 44 years of marriage. We're excited to say the least. We really, really missed the joy of canine fellowship in our lives.

We're hoping that the initial meeting goes well enough and that he will bond with us quickly. Not bragging, but that little guy is going to get primo care and love as long as he's in our family. He WILL become part of us, if he'll let us. Our granddaughter is so excited about it and will be traveling the 6 hour drive with us to get to him.

There are unknowns here, we know. Not raising him up from a pup perhaps present some problems in adjustment, but the breed is known for being adaptive to new situations. I would like to report here to those interested on how it goes, after we're all home Friday evening. So hopefully I can give an update and a picture or two, also.

I appreciate the kindred spirits of all the Cairn fans here on this site, and your willingness to share the love.

Idaho Cairns

I have adopted two Cairn rescues and they both went well after a couple of months of a shared learning curve. I will say that the dog you initially get isn't the dog you are going to have after a little time. I saw both of my rescues change over time from good dogs with a few problems to great dogs with no problems. Patience is always required with adult Cairn rescues. Please do keep us informed -- I think it is interesting to see what new rescues are like.


As much as I love seeing all the new puppies that have been adopted by the folks on this forum, I get just as excited when I hear of an older Cairn being adopted. Good for you! I'll be watching for news and photos from Friday's trip. Drive safely and let us know when your new furkid is home. :thumbsup:


How exciting! I look forward to hearing how Friday goes for you, and YES we want pictures. It is nice to hear that you are now ready to open your hearts to rescue another cairn. Have a safe journey!


I am so happy for you! I can't wait for the stories and the pictures! You can't find a better place for good information than this forum. They have helped me so much the past few months.

I've laughed with them and cried with them. I never would have thought I could get so close to people and furkids I've never met in person before, but I was wrong.

Good luck and keep us posted.


What a wonderful and thoughtful way to acquire another dog - and a Cairn at that. I'm sorry to hear of your previous loss and glad to hear that you are finally ready to open your heart and home to another furbaby. Your home will be filled with laughter I'm sure. Have you thought of a name? I wish you a safe trip and will be looking forward to hearing back from you once you are home and of course pictures are a must to regain entrance to this site. :thumbsup: btw....Welcome to the forum!

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


Aww, how exciting! Percy was almost two when I got her from a family that couldn't keep her anymore. We went through a honeymoon phase followed by a brief but destructive phase once she got used to her new digs, to her now being the most perfect cairn (HA!!). I'm so jealous of all the puppies I see on here, but I know it would be difficult for me to raise a puppy with my work schedule. My favorite part about adopting an older dog...no housebreaking!


Yay!! I can feel your anticipation about you new little family member. He is a lucky fellow. Dempsy was 1 when I adopted him. When I first met Demps he paid no attention to me - stinker. It was so fun bringing him home. I kept looking at him in the seat beside me and wondering how everything was going to work out - but it did. It's been almost 3 years - love him dearly. We can't wait to meet and see your little guy. Congrats! Drive careful.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Aww, how exciting! Percy was almost two when I got her from a family that couldn't keep her anymore. We went through a honeymoon phase followed by a brief but destructive phase once she got used to her new digs, to her now being the most perfect cairn (HA!!). I'm so jealous of all the puppies I see on here, but I know it would be difficult for me to raise a puppy with my work schedule. My favorite part about adopting an older dog...no housebreaking!

Thanks to all for kind words of encouragement.

Our little guy is kind of in the type of situation as your Percy, though he's going to need some housebreaking training. So it's not exactly a classic rescue scenario.

BTW, think we're into the breed? Yep, we're that bad.... :)



we recently adopted an 8 year old Cairn named Oscar.... only thing we had an issue with was peeing in the house. I found it best to take him out frequently and crate him if I was not going to be able to be in the same room with him. It's been about a month and he's been great for about a week I would guess. Hoping it just keeps going that way. Just wanted to give you that heads up. :) Congrats on the new addition and best wishes for a smooth transistion and a happy future for all of you.

I became a dog person AFTER I got my dog.



Drive safe! Lots of good wishes and love to you and your new furkid!


I grew up with Cairns and now have one of my own. Each one had or has a distinct personality. Four of our five Cairns were rescues and each one enriched our lives. They settled in when they were ready to and each one did it differently! Our oldest rescue was four when he came to live with us and although he was a friendly fella - he litterly sat and starred at us for almost a year! Then one day - I guess he decided to adopt us and that was that - we belonged to him! I've had my rescue for a 1½ and although we were kindred spirits from the start, he still has some moments when he worries. Last weekend we were packing our overnight bags and he sat blocking the front door with the saddest look on his face - until we packed his bag too! The minute we put his bag with ours and told him we were going to visit my parents Cairn he was in "lets go!" mode. My parents Cairn, took years to settle. Even now at 6 yrs old he is still a little guy that needs consistency and routine to feel secure. With some dogs it seems like it takes forever while with others it happens in an instant. Either way - I've never met a Cairn who wasn't worth it!


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