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Hi everyone I've been back several days now and want to thank everyone for their well wishes on both leaving and returning. It was nice to see my family but as usual, it was a whirlwind event. It's back to work tomorrow but the good thing about it is I only have one more month till I retire.

From previous posts made this past week, the latest updates are we bought a new bed and poor Layla cannot make the leap. Why do they make these new beds so high? Nonetheless, I might be taking Sanford's advice and just forget about the stairs for Layla.

However, we did attempt to strip her this week - at first she was antsy but she soon settled down and allowed us both to remove tons of hair. We managed to fill a half full plastic bag with her hair. It was amazing what that Mars Coat King can do. We tackled small areas at a time and did a little scissor cutting around her ears. For a first time event, she was great and so were we. We were pleased with our efforts and because we didn't want to tax her too much, we kept it sorta short and sweet (about 1/2 hour) - and will do more in a few weeks. Unfortunately we haven't taken an after picture but wanted to post a before picture so you can see how much she has grown to date.


Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


My Sister had a half Min. Poodle half Terrier(Don't know what type of Terrier but she kinda looked like a Westie) She wouldn't use the dogie steps to get on the bed either, but she would use a foot stool that was about 2 feet by 2 feet and about 2 feet high. It was padded slightly and covered in fabric. She wold use it to get on and off the bed. Funny how she wouldn't use the costly steps that were bought for her but she would use the footstool that came from a yard sale and only cost 5 dollars.

Layla has grown a lot and is a beautiful girl. You know how I love to see pictures.


Layla is such a cutie!


Wow she has grown and still as beautiful. You're braver than me tackling her coat and I'm sure that if done a little at a time you'll get there and it'll look great.



Layla is so pretty and she has such a lovely expression!



Welcome back from your vacation! Layla looks beautiful, as always - such a lovely face.

I agree with you regarding the height of beds. We got a new one a few years ago and it took me a long time to get used to it - it felt like I needed to vault myself into bed. Buffy manages to jump up on it once in a while but we try to discourage this by giving her a lift at bedtime. The first time she tried, she just got her front paws on the top edge and then slide down like something from a cartoon. :confused:

Idaho Cairns

We have a cedar chest at the foot of our bed which the dogs can reach and then it is just a short hop up on the bed itself so no problems there. We have used stairs in the past but they were a bit rickety for old Toots and she took a couple of real tumbles both going up or down the things--still it was a real boon for her since she could get up and down from the couch at will in her final years and just wasn't restricted to the floor.

The grooming looks great! Mine are due again and if I can talk the DW into it, we are going for summer fun do's.


She is so beautiful! Welcome back from vacation!


She's all grown up! Love her color!


In inexpensive fabric ottoman at the foot of the bed is a great way to go. Just saw some at Target today.

Layla is such a sweetie!!


We've got a pretty high bed, too, but both dogs can jump up on it easily. We do have a cedar chest with fabric cover at the foot of the bed, but they only use that to go up and down if we make them. They'd much prefer taking a flying leap onto the bed or jumping off and continuing at a dead run. Dorks!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 

Love little Layla. Welcome back!

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



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