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Wonderfully funny greeting


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Ruffy greets me in the funniest way when I return home. He doesn't bark or run to me or jump up. He'll be sitting right up against the door and as soon as I open it, he tears off at top speed, runs around in a circle, grabs the nearest toy and runs though the apartment like a tornado, coming back to circle around me and take off again at top speed! He's inviting me to play "chase me!" and his exuberance and joy are so infectious I can never resist putting the groceries/packages down and joining right in! This has become a ritual with us and no matter what errands I've been on, I always look forward to coming home!

How about you?



Our dogs apparently can tell time because they know when I should be getting home from work each day. Buffy and Ziggy both wait at the top of the steps by the back door and, as soon as I come inside, Buffy's whole body starts wagging. She gives me kisses, runs in circles and flips on her back for belly rubs, squirming all over the kitchen floor. Ziggy acts more like Ruffy - runs into the living room and grabs a toy, insisting that I play tug-o-war with him. The two vie for my attention for a good 5 minutes until everyone is satisfied that they have been greeted properly. I look forward to it every day - such a warm welcome. :)


They are just great friends! Dempsy doesn't care when I come in the house. If he is in the house he is napping. Most of the time he is outside when I come home and yes, he goes in circles and is so excited. Around and around and then he runs for the back door of the house - jumps - banks off the door -and makes a few more rounds before we go in. :P

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Nena is a howler. She will stretch her neck back and howl and howl. sounds like hello. It is really funny but she is so excited to see us.

cairn terriers leave pawprints on our lives

Geezz..I never get that kind of greeting. Since it has warmed up, Layla will be on the deck and knows exactly what time I'm expected and will wait patiently. Usually I come up the stairs saying her name and there is a wag but that's about it. I rub her head and she dashes into the house in front of me eagerly awaiting me to open the gate that leads into the bedrooms. She runs down the hall and flies up onto the bed and now thinks its playtime. Well this past Wednesday, we went out and bought a new bed. Oldfox and I hoofed in the new box spring and mattress and proceeded to set it up. Once we had finished, I looked and knew this new height I would never be able to surmount. I'd have to take a running jump from the hallway just to make it up there. Oldfox (he's 6'6" - no problem - Pindrop (5'2" - problem). So, we lowered the bed rail that houses the box spring by at least 6" and now everything is okie dokie. Layla on the other hand attempted to make it to the top with no success - I think she is still wondering what happened? Oldfox will have to make stairs for her to climb up.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog

Idaho Cairns

The toy "gifting" is interesting--I see several of you have that experience with your Cairns as well. Both of ours will often run and find a toy to "give" us when we come home or when company comes into the house. It is as if it is all too exciting for them and they have to pick up a toy to calm themselves down.

I love our dogs' greetings when we come back, even after only a few hours at the golf course they simply must have their rubs and scritches from us--they compete for room and poor little Bonnie is always muscled out of the way by Sammi but it is all good--they are obviously thrilled that the family is all together again.


My DH is retired and he says he always knows when its time for me to come home from work. Jock sits at the top of the stairs looking at the garage door. When I come thru that door it doesnt matter if I have had the day from hell or some stupid driver has made me angry while going down the freeway, the minute I see that wiggly little body, ears pasted back with a big grin on his face, all is good in my world. He makes me laugh every day :blush: On occasion I get the howling thing and often the toy in the mouth routine. Especially if there is a new toy. This little fur ball is better than any glass of wine to make me relax after a hectic day at work!

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie



Oldfox will have to make stairs for her to climb up.

Good luck getting Layla to use the steps. I hope you have more success getting Layla to use them than I ever did with Carrington. I originally bought a set of steps, hoping that I could get him to use them for getting down from the bed. He was able to jump up onto the bed OK, but to get down, he wouldn't simply jump off. Instead, he would go to the edge & launch himself high into the air in a huge, heart-stopping, arch. Carrington was 10 years old at the time & I was concerned that he would injure himself if he made a hard landing. Thankfully, the floor was carpeted and he never had a mishap.

Last year, with Carrington gone, I figured I would try to get 3 year old Ruffy to use the stairs. Wrong again! There was no way an energetic 3 year old would take the slow, safe route when jumping is much faster & much more fun!

Wishing you more success with Layla & the steps than I had with Carrington & Ruffy!



Holly only gives me an enthusiastic greeting if I have left her with my friends for a few hours - if we are at home she decides my arrival home means she goes out and gets a biscuit!



Taz is always waiting at the garage door for us. He either does his jumping dance or rolls on his back for belly rubs. Then a few face licks complete the greeting. Gypsy cannot hear us come in so she usually greets us after a bit.

Sanford and Pindrop - regarding getting on a high bed -- we went out and bought a special ottoman that we keep at the foot of the bed. It gets used on the way up AND on the way down. Its a decent size so they feel secure using it. The things we do for them ... doggie furniture!


Malcolm could care less when I come home. Its like "Oh great that pesty human is back again". I'll find him sleeping in the pillow on my bed, curled up in my chair, or sprawled out on the couch. He doesn't get up or even acknowledge I am there. I have to go to him. Then he rolls over for a quick belly rub and wants out.

If anyone else comes to the door he goes nuts. He barks and gets ferocious. Funny thing is he knows when I am coming in the house. That is ok, I can walk into my own house, that is allowed. Anyone else will encounter one combative little dog.


Seems like no matter what frame of mind you may be in when you walk in the door, you're bound to be very happy after a Cairn greeting! After a full body wag, Finn gives us "hugs & kisses" when we come home. DH taught him hugs when he was a baby. You have to hold him & he stretches out full length, a paw on each shoulder, his cheek against yours. Then you get a kiss on the tip of your nose. It's very sweet &, of course, he gets a big hug & back scritch from us. When we put him back down, he runs off & gets a ball for a game. If you don't do the routine right away, he'll wait until you sit down. Makes you happy to be home!


My significant other and I commute together. When we get home I come in the kitchen door and he comes in the front door. The dogs come a couple steps into the kitchen, but then run to the front stairs and wait for my SO to come in. They wag, yip, jockey for the best position until he comes in, then they wrestle and play. I am ignored, totally ignored. These are the same dogs that only go to him when cheese, chicken, or other treats are involved. After a few minutes Loki will come to me for a scratch, then goes back to the SO. After another minute they both will come and jump around me for scratches and belly rubs.

What is really sad is that they don't understand when I come home alone. They still run to the top of the stairs and wait and whine. When they finally realize that it is just me they'll come to greet me, but they are obviously disappointed.

Who rescued whom?


Excited barks, full body wag, then a nibble and a lick. Packy is so funny, he has to nibble my hand and then licks me. Kirby rubs against me and has also started the nibble and lick routine. Interesting how he has picked that up from Packy. Yep, a Cairn welcome is the best!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 

This is a great topic! Murphy, our Cairn, loves his soft squeaky toys. When my DH and I arrive home, Murphy runs and fetches as many of these toys as he can hold in his mouth and zooms around with them. Not sure what this means to him but it sure is entertaining for us! :P


I love my greeting when I come home from work. Some how they can tell time. My husband says they start hovering around the door about 30 mins before I come in. They greet me at the garage door for their hello's. Then Bailey runs for his nylabone and starts chewing it the whole time his tail is wagging so hard (I'd get a cramp). Radar runs for the nearest toy to play with me and does some zoomies through the house.

Hubby -- nothing! :confused:


Hubby -- nothing! :confused:

That is so true ... The only toy my hubby runs for when I walk in the house is the TV remote!


My Button is always so excited to see anyone in the family who comes home. She'll start wiggling her whole body and will often pee! My mom calls them excited piddles :P


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