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Pigs and Cairns


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Do any of you also own potbelly and/or teacup pigs? Interested in how they get along with Cairns.


No. I bet if they grew up together they would get along fine. Do you have a pot bellied pig?

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



I don't have one either and I haven't gotten my first cairn yet won't have her until June. Wish I could be more help.


They are both playful, intelligent pets. I bet if they were raised together they would be delightful companions! I think there is a caveat on a potbelly/teacup breeder site that requires one to check with local ordinances. Not all communities permit keeping pigs as pets.



I have owned a pot belly pig, German shepherd, springer spaniel, cat, horse and pygmy goat. All got along just fine. The pig and the goat were sleeping companions each night. They both took over the dog house, quickly kicked the dogs out of it and made it theirs. On occasion the dog would try to corral the pig but the pig held his own with no problem. All animals (except the horse) had total freedom and they all stayed in our yard that was not fenced. The pig wouldn't roam too far, their eye sight is bad. As soon as he got to the edge of the yard, the black top must have seemed like a hole because he would never step on it. All were adults when the pig came (at 7 weeks). Like I said, all got along well.


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