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Who's been sleeping in my bed?


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Quoted from the Goldilocks fairy tale ...

As for the Baby Bear “Who's been sleeping in my bed?” he squeaked, and there, lying on the bed with her golden curls spread all over the pillow, was the prettiest little girl CAIRN they had ever seen.

I'll tell ya, when they start using the pillow ... it's all over.



That is a very cute photo - he looks so so comfy!



Oh, very cute! This kind of picture makes me wato to stay home & cuddle with my dog...'specially on a rainy day like today....

Becky & Tanner

What a lovely boy :blush: My non dog friends ask why I dont buy a dog bed for Jock. Jocks reply would be, why would I lie on the ground when there are perfectly good beds and couches to snuggle with the uprights!

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


Idaho Cairns

Beautiful! Looks like the "golden" Cairn found exactly the right color to snuggle up to. Great fashion sense in that dog!


Hubbies one rule is no dog on the bed :banned: . I should admit that I try and break it whenever he is away for the night. Kirby however is a stickler for the rules, he sleeps in his bed next to ours or on the otoman in the family room. Occassionally, he'll sleep on the bed, I don't know if he feels guilty or likes his space, but he's not a snuggler. When we went on the overnight to Arkansas, Kirby got in bed with us in the middle of the night - luckily for Kirby, hubby slept right through the night!


We have a rule: No Dogs on the Bed.

OK, ONE dog on the bed; just the oldest one.

RIght, so TWO dogs, but that's the limit. I'm not kidding. I'm pretty sure.

But NEVER under the covers. Unless it's really cold.

Or if there's a storm.


Pegi takes turns sleeping with my daughters; she just loves the pillows in one of their rooms. Emily freak out when she open her eyes and sees Pegi on the pillow next to her staring into her eyes....I am in big trouble when they leave for college in a year.....DH won't let her in our bed.

Linda & Pegi


Zekey ALWAYS sleeps on the bed. Makes a little nest out of part of a blanket, or sneaks underneath.

Not as pretty as Goldilocks, though!


"But NEVER under the covers. Unless it's really cold.

Or if there's a storm."

Or unless they're tired! ;)

This was taken during the early evening - after a tiring walk.

Before Cairns, I did not tolerate dogs on beds. Now, well ... extreme cuteness has its privileges!


The expression is priceless. That is one sleepy dog!


Cutie! Thanks for sharing!


Sweet dreams. Very cute pic.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Kenzie sleeps on our son's bed among a giant pile of stuffed animals. Hollie just just sleeps on the dog bed in the living room. I can't let any animals sleep in our room b/c I'm too light of a sleeper.

The only thing better than owning a Cairn is owning two!


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