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Scruffys Mom

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Hate to brag, but have to. Spanky is sooo easy to train. He has mastered sit, stay come and down and he will be 4 months May 24th. Tonight I started on "Place". Where you instruct them to go to a bed and stay. I have puppy beds in everyroom in the house. Teaching them "Place" is important especially when people come over. He understood the lesson. It will take a few more days, but his comprehension is amazing. I love my dogs


He sounds like a very smart happy to please boy! Good Dog!


Good boy Spanky! Keep up the good work!

Idaho Cairns

I like that idea about "place". Ours are a bit too "familiar" with guests.


Spanky is such a good boy! I like the idea of "Place" - never heard that one before.

I've been working with Radar and we are making progress but he's very stubborn and will just stand in front of you and look at you as if to say "what??". <_<

Idaho Cairns

I have to admit that our girls could use some discipline but we do thrive on much of their antics in this house--for instance here is a recent wake up for my wife. Our daughter was visiting with her Cairn and her Pyrenees cross and they all decided it was time to meet and greet the day as a group activity. Note that toys were even brought for the occasion! Now, saner owners would disallow such behavior but we are unabashed about sharing space with our Cairns and guest dogs. Yes, I know--it's pathetic, but what the hey!



If they were not funny would they still be Cairns? :confused1:


Love that picture!!!! I do use a gentle correction technique. I use a nylon leash on Spanky and leave it on him most of the time. (Nylon as he will go through several leashes during the puppy days) When I instruct him to go to his place, I may have to set him in the bed, say "PLACE" and if he trys to escape, he gets a gentle correction with a snap on the leash. He gets rewarded for obeying with a treat. The reward always wins. I use this method with just about all training with him. If I catch him with a shoe in his mouth, a gentle snap. This disassociates me from the correction but gets the message through loud and clear. He also loves his beds and he needs a "safe" place to be that is not crated.


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