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Divot's scary adventure


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On our walk last night, Divot's leash clasp broke! He took off and I was terrified. It was dark, and I had no idea what to do.

I sat low and called him. He came to me, wagged his tail, and turned around and ran in the other direction again.

So, I headed after him. After 10 minutes or so (it felt soooo much longer!), I finally got sight of him with a neighbor's porch light: He had gone the rest of the way home and was sitting, waiting on our front doorstep. :innocent: I was so relieved I started crying.

Wow, what a smart little dog! I had no idea that he already knew exactly how to get home in our neighborhood. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but I really was. It involved a couple of turns and crossing the street from where we were. Thank goodness no cars were coming!

I will definitely inspect leash clasps more carefully in the future!


YIKES! Sounds like he was pretty proud of himself!


Glad he made it home ok! Little smartie!


Oh my what a horrifying experience, I'm so happy to hear he went home. Divot is a smart little guy! I know how must have felt, we lost Penny (a previous cairn) one night. She got away from us and took off. We went out looking for her and finally found her walking along the sidewalk to our house as if she was on one of our normal walks. I was in tears.


So glad Divot returned home safely! Just this morning I was taking the trash out to the curb and closed the backyard gate but didn't latch it securely :nono:. When I turned to come back from the street, there was Sophie in the neighbor's front yard sniffing the flowers! Knowing that chasing after her would be fruitless, I said "Sophie, do you want a Greenie!!", and she came running and followed me right into the house. She & Bailey only get Greenies once or twice a week, but they are crazy for them, it's the one thing they will always come for. Next time---close the gate properly!!!!! :blush:


Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie



What a fright you must have had! Thank heavens Divot is safe - and, apparently is a very smart little guy with an excellent sense of direction. I would have been a nervous wreck. :crybaby:

Yes, checking those leashes and clasps is good advice for all of us. The cost of replacing a leash is nothing compared to the agony of losing a furbaby, even for a few minutes. :thumbsup:


I know that i've mentioned this before, but it's worth a mention to everyone. Find the one thing that your dog will drop everything for... like 'ride in the car' or "X" what ever it might be. Our dogs have gotten away from us 3 times now in 6 years and the phrase "do you want to go for a ride in the car and get a hamburger" will bring either of them to a hault. It could be a rabbit, antoher dog, squirrel, or the mailman, the reward is high value enough that when they hear that phrase they come to a hault. One of the things we do is this, when we say it... we mean it an follow through everytime. So they know if we say it, they are going to get it. it's been a life saver on more than one occasion. Last year my neighboor was walking his dog and Mett ran out the door when I opened it to get the mail and my neighboor was so impressed that I got that dog to stop and go to my car where he sat down and waited for me.

On our walk last night, Divot's leash clasp broke! He took off and I was terrified. It was dark, and I had no idea what to do.

I sat low and called him. He came to me, wagged his tail, and turned around and ran in the other direction again.

So, I headed after him. After 10 minutes or so (it felt soooo much longer!), I finally got sight of him with a neighbor's porch light: He had gone the rest of the way home and was sitting, waiting on our front doorstep. :innocent: I was so relieved I started crying.

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins


That is very scary!! Sounds like Divot might have a GPS in his microchip! So glad he made it home safely.


I would also be frantic if ever Layla took off. I'm so glad Divot made it back home. Phew...that was too close a call.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


I would have been horrified! I'm glad he went home and everything is ok! I'm starting to think that I'm going to make my own collars and leash.( For my pup of couse)HA!HA! I went shopping over the weekend and stopped to look at

puppy supplies and almost every colar and leash that I looked at was cheap made but with a hefty price tag. This is a small town and we don't have alot to choose from.


Thank goodness Divot is safe. Those terrier noses are amazing. He was probably thinking, left at the fire hydrant, right at the maple tree, now I smell my house! What a clever little guy!


Some dog owners have told me that run-away dogs usually return home. I hope this is true, but I also hope I never have to put this to a test. And of course I'd be frantic with worry as well.



I would have been horrified! I'm glad he went home and everything is ok! I'm starting to think that I'm going to make my own collars and leash.( For my pup of couse)HA!HA! I went shopping over the weekend and stopped to look at

puppy supplies and almost every colar and leash that I looked at was cheap made but with a hefty price tag. This is a small town and we don't have alot to choose from.

There are several websites where you can purchase good quality leashes, but the ones you make may well be better than anything else. Just make sure your little one can't slip out of the collar. :thumbsup:


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