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Catching up

Malcolm's Dad

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I have got to get a new computer. Now my browser freezes when I go to some websites. Unfortunately CTF is one of those sites. Most of the time I can read posts but if I try to reply the browser freezes.

The planets must be aligned correctly tonight, I can post!

I have to catch up on some birthdays. Happy very belated birthday to Sophie, Scruffy, Obie and Max.

Welcome to the new members and the new puppies. I love those puppy pictures and love to read about the adventures of Layla, Divot and Attila. Attila is the most appropriate name there is for a Cairn. It really fits the domineering warrior like personality of these dogs. Or should I say it fits Malcolm's personality perfectly, there might be a few mellow Cairns out there. Welcome to Nessie, Kylie, McKayla and Molli. Has Lynn got her puppy yet?

These dogs are so clever. Malcolm used to get my attention by barking and jumping on my leg. Sometimes he had to go, but most of the time he wanted to just go sniff the air in the yard. I had enough of this in and out, in and out, so I would ignore him. Barking didn't work anymore so then he would jump in my lap, sit facing me and look me right in the eyes. I laughed so hard one night. He was trying to con me into two dinners. He had already been fed. He was jumping in my lap and pestering so he wanted something. I get up and he would go by his food dish and look at me. He ate so I didn't think he was hungry. I bent down and looked at his food dish. He started wagging his tail like he does at dinnertime. I burst out laughing and told him "Oh no, one dinner is enough you little faker". He wanted me to think he hadn't been fed.

Now Malcolm has started something new. When he wants something he sits by my foot and hits my ankle with his paw. I look down and there is Malcolm giving me that Cairn stare most you know very well. There is no ignoring a Cairn allowed in this house.

Well I can't always reply but I want all of you to know I really enjoy reading your posts and the pictures.


It's great to hear from you and read about Malcolm's latest attention-getting efforts. :P They certainly ARE clever little dogs, aren't they? Buffy has started herding us - pushing us with her nose to get us to go where she wants and perform whatever services she feels are necessary. (I'll bet she learned this from the Border Collies at the dog park.)

Get a new computer (or find a geek to repair the one you have) and come back on a regular basis. We miss you!


Hi there :-) I laughed Reading your post as it sounds like Nessie is going to the same , she now goes to the door I think to be out but she just wants to run around the yard lol

Malcolm is a great name :-)

From Kerry, Molly the Westie, Peppa the black Lab, and Nessie the Cairn xx


It's nice to see you pop in! I hope you get your computer issues resolved soon.


Hi...glad to hear you're still with us. It may be time for a new computer. It's like a commercial they're running now where a house is broken into and everything was stolen except for their computer. The homeowner says I guess it's time to get a new computer. :)

Enjoyed reading your summary!


It's good to hear from you and to be able to catch up with Malcolm's latest antics! :thumbsup:



Glad to hear you are still around even though we all agree you need a new computer. Hawkeye, I've seen that commercial too. Happy to hear that Malcolm is still doing well. Take care - and Layla send hugs.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


I love hearing all the cute things these dogs do to get what they want. I can't wait to get mine and see it for myself. That is in about 4 weeks. The middle of June I'll get my Angel with Horns!

I hope you can keep posting, We miss you!


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