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Ticks and fleas- UPDATE


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Hi Cairn Owners- Some of you may remember that last month I posted asking for info/advice on ticks. Our monthly dose of Advantix had not been doing a good job. Luigi was coming home from walks with ticks on a regular basis. Sometimes they had embedded theirselves other times I would find them crawling around on him... once crawling on my bed!! Ewwwww. Anyway, I got some good information from several posters. From there I headed to our local health food/vitamin store and came home with three products. It was suggested that I put a sprinkle of brewers yeast on his food. I put a measured 1/4 tsp. on each 1/2 cup of food. Before each walk I spray him with a mixture of 10 drops of eucalyptus oil and 10 drops of lemon oil that has been mixed in 8 ounces of water. The brewers yeast is suppose to make his blood taste "spicy" therefore a tick or flea wouldn't like his taste. And the spritz of lemon/eucalyptus oil also smells bad to the ticks.

We've been doing this for two weeks and have had NO ticks. I'm only hoping I don't jinx myslef by posting our success. Thank you to all who answered my original post. Hoping this helps someone else out. I'm attaching a picture of Luigi-- All smiles now that he has no ticks!



Glad your sweet Luigi is responding to the added flea precautions. My goodness, he sure is a cutie!! Love that pic!! :)

Idaho Cairns

Great smile!


Great picture of your happy boy! Luigi has some chompers! Thanks for the post- seems I missed the original. Was doing some research on lavender oil mist as a repellant. Did you try it? Does anyone know if this needs to be food grade lavender oil?


He must have been getting a great belly rub :lol:


Looks like Luigi is happy too. What nice teeth you have...


Luigi should get a job on a commercial advertising dental care! Wow he has beautiful teeth! Do you brush his teeth or what do you do that makes his teeth look so great? I suppose you stick on little whitening films. :P Anyway, he is a happy little character.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



People often comment on Luigi's teeth. They are a mouthful (to say the least). I wish I could take credit for his sparkling chompers but Luigi gets all the credit for his incredible teeth. Personally I think it has something to do with that ever-cairn need to chew any and all things to bits. He is good in the house and doesn't chew anything-- I should say anything we own. If it's a new toy then it is quietly demolished in mere moments. But outside he finds all kinds of things to rip apart, a good piece of oak being his favorite chew toy.


He must have been getting a great belly rub :lol:

You're right, he was enjoying a great belly rub!


Luigi should get a job on a commercial advertising dental care! Wow he has beautiful teeth! Do you brush his teeth or what do you do that makes his teeth look so great? I suppose you stick on little whitening films. :P Anyway, he is a happy little character.

I only wish MY teeth were as white!! He does his own dental care!


I agree about the dazzling smile! And thanks for the tip about the spray. I am going to try that.


I'm going to try the spray too. I pulled 5 ticks off Kirby last night (another activity he does not enjoy) or course the spots are swollen. I don't like the idea that the ticks will die and fall off in 3 - 5 days. What are they doing in the mean time? Plus, I think the spray would smell nice, definately non-toxic. Thanks for the information.


Thanks for the great recipe! We will definitely have to try it. Do you think it works on kids? I haven't seen any ticks on Bear yet, but have had to pluck a couple off my kids :cry: Luigi is a cutie!


Those natural oils really work. We all get a spray before we go outside. I have found that peppermint oil works great to.

cairn terriers leave pawprints on our lives

I have been using yeast tabs on mine for years and it seems to do the trick...


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