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Max playing the role of Toto


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This weekend, out four year old Carin terrier Max is playing the role of "Toto" at a local high school where my wife teaches. The first perfomance was last night, and he stole the show! Eveyone wanted to have pictures of him, and all the grade school kids wanted to take him home!

Max has been enjoying himself, but is not sure if he wants to give up chasing rabbits for a full time acting career!


How totally fun is that!?! We're all going to dress up as characters from the WofO for Halloween this year. Our Max will of course play Toto even though he's totally the wrong color. I hope he has fun!

Idaho Cairns

I think that is such fun! Last time the locals here did it, a schnauzer was used as Toto and we were offended to no end! If there are flying monkey to elude, it must be done by a Cairn!


Congrats to Max on his acting debut. Did he have a speaking or non-speaking role? :lol:


You must be so proud...I know if either of mine made it to stardom I would be. Will he be passing out any autographs now that he's famous?? :king:

Congrats Max!!


hahaha :P - I can just see Max basking in his glorious fame. That is so fun when an opportunity comes along that just "pops". So glad you snapped it up!! :thumbsup:

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Awesome, did you get pictures of him on stage? I would LOVE to see them!!

Kenzie went as Toto for Halloween a couple years ago. Our neighbors' daughter dressed a Dorothy and took Kenz as her Toto. They went trick-or-treating with us and everybody LOVED it! I think this year Clara will finally be big enough to fit a Dorothy costume, so she just might play the roll again. And we might have to find a doggie lion costume for Hollie so she doesn't feel left out!

The only thing better than owning a Cairn is owning two!


Kudos to Max! I'm sure the kids really enjoyed having a real Toto in the play.


Oh, how fun!!! I would also love to see pictures! Congrats to Max!

Becky & Tanner

Halloween 2008: My granddaughter was Dorothy and Gus (4 months old) was Toto (briefly). He would not stay in the basket!


Islander girl... your grandaughter is too cute as Dorothy. And what a sweetie (Toto!).


I'm sure Max played the role to the hilt. You must be so proud of your pup. Pictures and an autograph are on request.

Islander: your grand-daughter is so beautiful and especially so in her "Dorothy" outfit with her companion "Gus" and his basket. Did someone tell Gus he had to stay in the basket? - perhaps not and that is why he didn't (ya..like they listen to us?)

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog

Idaho Cairns

Islander Girl that picture is precious! Of course Gus didn't stay in the basket--we have tried that with ours and none of them has trusted the human enough to put up with it. I'm always amazed that the handlers of the real Toto, got the dog to go along. However, in the basket or out, that is just a beautiful picture of the Granddaughter.


Thanks folks - Both Gus & Thea have changed so much in the past two and a half years...she is now a big "tweener" going on 13, and Gus of course is a sort-of adult. (Physically not behaviourally.)

Now how about some head shots of Max with his Dorothy?

One of my dog-crazy friends told me she watched the Oz movie and focused on Toto the whole time - she said he (she?) was unbelievably focused and attentive. Nowadays it would probably take 5 Cairns to film one movie with doggie labour laws!


Any dog that would stay in a basket isn't Toto. If I am remembering things correctly the basket that appeared to hold Toto had a hole in it and they loaded the dog in off camera. Just proves that Toto/Terry was a Cairn (and yes, I do think Toto was the hero of the movie.)

To Max, the thespian, congratulations on your debut!

Who rescued whom?


We will be getting some pictures soon! Max was a big hit. Every one wanted there picture taken with him!


Can't wait to see pictures!! How kind of you to share Max with the audience & how wonderful that the novices in the audience got to see a real live Cairn in action! Did Max upstage the rest of the cast? Now that he's a celeb he'll probably be impossible to live with. If you don't let him do/have everything he wants, he'll threaten to go live with all those that wanted a pic with him :lol: Bet Max will be hammin' it up for a long time to come!--------Excuse me if I'm repeating something that everyone knows, but, apparently, Terry/Toto lived with Judy Garland for 6 weeks before filming started: she fell in love with her & offered the owner/trainer $250,000 for her- lots of money in the 30's. The trainer declined. Supposedly, this is why Terry/Toto was so focused on Judy. I can believe this: we had a friend stay with us recently for 5 days & Finn was so focused on him & obedient, it was hard to believe it was Finn.


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