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Attila the cairn


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Here is a little preview of Attila. These pictures we received from the breeder before going to pick between two males. Attila is one of these pups but we have no idea which one. :huh:

We go pick him up one week from today. So watch this post for updates when we get him home in 1 week!





The boy in this picture is the breeders grandson.

We are really excited to get Attila! We are going out tonight to finish buying anything we need so we're all set. We will update this post in a week with new pictures! :party:

Our Cairns: Attila (Sprouted 03/09/11), Tessa (Sprouted 01/14/12)

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Idaho Cairns

I often wonder, looking at these kinds of photos, how I would ever be able to turn loose of those puppies if I were a breeder! I know the alternative is just stupid to contemplate but I would be so curious to know how they turned out, what they looked and acted like as adults I think I would be tempted to just hoard them all.

Such a nice litter of pups.

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I would hate to let them go as well! (I can see Idaho on a special regarding "The Cairn Hoarder!" just kidding). I love the second picture and the intense look on that pups face! Hope He's not Atilla - you could be in for it! I want another one too!!! :confused:

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It ain't easy, but it helps knowing that just as our own dogs are such a part of our lives, those puppies likewise will probably be a touchstone for other families. Many breeders stay in touch with the new homes for a lifetime (or hope to). Unless/until the new homes break their hearts by dropping out of sight. You (meaning everyone) *are* sending your breeders pictures of your dogs for birthdays and major holidays, right?! :thumbsup:

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I wish I knew where Kenzie and Hollie came from so I could show their breeders that they are in fact in happy, forever homes. And I would also take a pup or two if I thought we could manage it!

The only thing better than owning a Cairn is owning two!

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I could eaily become a cairn hoarder. Those pups are so cute. When I went to the breeder Monday I wanted all of them. Now I want all of these! I wouldn't make a good breeder because I would keep them all.

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Idaho Cairns

Yes, I stay in touch with Bonnie's breeder, being forever grateful for her producing such a nice dog for us.

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Oh my! They are all so cute! I'm so excited for you! Having a little Cairn around our house has added so many smiles and delights each day to our lives.

I can't wait to see which one really is Attila!

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The little grandson looks kinda sad - bet he loves them and finds it hard to let them go. They are all so much alike in color and body build. I like the third pic - were two of them are gossiping about the pup turning around - little stinkers. Yup - they are wonderful and looking forward to meeting Atilla!

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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My workplace blocks many of the image-sharing sites so I often can't see pics until I get home (or unless I check in on my phone). Probably a good thing as I'd likely be mooning over puppy pictures all day :P

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CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club | 2025 Calendar



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What beautiful little puppies! I can't wait to see the real Attila. Our breeder was pretty adamant about us staying in touch and sending pictures and updates. I think it's great!

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Oh my goodness...what beautiful little babies. It's always difficult to choose when you have a bevy of beauties. But, once the choice is made, it becomes easier. Love the name Attila - sure hope he doesn't live up to it. As I still consider Layla to be a baby, I certainly feel that we have our hands full with this energizer pup and are happy I didn't capitulate and purchase more than one (what was I thinking!).

We are still in touch with our breeder and in fact, are always updating her with pictures and a short story on her growth and antics. We are in the process of awaiting her official AKC paperwork and in our contract, we had to prove that she had been spayed. She is starting to look very regal and to be a very good-looking Cairn.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog

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When we got Pegi from the breeder she had all 8 in an x-pen...she showed me Pegi, then a few minutes later I had to say "now which one is mine" - this went on several minutes until all the paperwork was done so I could just pick her up! And I do send the breeder several photos and updates of her yearly - she loves all the Christmas cards.

Linda & Pegi

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Oh my! what gorgeous puppies. wub2.gif Love the second one...with the 'stare' .looks a little devil devil.gif but very cute with it!

I too send the breeder photo's of Scruffy every few months and she really enjoys the updates on him.


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Oh how beautiful they all are. I love seeing all the baby pics. When we picked up Radar, we also brought Bailey along to see the breeder and they were thrilled to be able to see him again (they both came from the same breeder).

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Oh they are gorgeous so adorable :-) they just look like my new puppy same colouring :-) good luck in choosing can't wait to see more pics :-)

From Kerry, Molly the Westie, Peppa the black Lab, and Nessie the Cairn xx

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Are you beside yourself with excitement yet? Only a few more days to go! :)

Yes we are! The butterflies have officially started fluttering! We will be leaving Friday (the day after tomorrow! About 48 hours to go!) around noon to go pick up Attila! It'll be a 3.5 hour drive there and again for the return trip home.

Our Cairns: Attila (Sprouted 03/09/11), Tessa (Sprouted 01/14/12)

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....he's coming.......

Don't say we didn't warn you! :cop:

I don't know if my wife or I will sleep tonight. :lol:

Our Cairns: Attila (Sprouted 03/09/11), Tessa (Sprouted 01/14/12)

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Please let us know when you and Attila have arrive home safely. Can't wait for pics!

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We are home! My wife is trying to get him to potty, he hasn't pottied since around 1:30pm and it is now 9:00Pm! We'll post pictures as soon as we can after we get more situated.

Our Cairns: Attila (Sprouted 03/09/11), Tessa (Sprouted 01/14/12)

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