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Our Baby Bear Has Arrived


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We picked up our new puppy, Bear, 2 weekends ago! He is 13 weeks old today. So far things are going well and we are really enjoying our new buddy! He is very well socialized and pretty mellow. It is so wonderful to have a cairn back in the house since we lost our old dog in January. Something funny: Bear loves to steal socks. Then he walks around the house wimpering and looking for special places to "bury" them. It's amazing what purpose he shows while tending to this task. Currently, we all find it very amusing, but I'm sure as our sock population declines it will not be so cute! I promise to post pictures soon.

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Another sock bandit! Pegi (1 1/2 yrs old) has a huge basket of toys; but nothing beats socks or underwear! I have lots of single socks around now.

Linda & Pegi

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Is Bear the pup in your avatar photo? He's so precious! We have a sock thief, too - not Buffy (our Cairn), but Ziggy. We probably spent a hundred dollars on toys for Ziggy and Buffy in the past year, all for nothing. Buffy disembowels her toys in a matter of minutes and Ziggy would rather play tug-o-war with a sock. On the bright side, we now have a purpose for my husband's old, worn out socks! :thumbsup:

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Layla is the same with socks. When we do the laundry, we stack the clothes on the bed and then put things away. It's always a race to get to the socks as Layla jumps up on the bed and thinks they are all hers. We have given her old socks with worn-out heels - socks with squeaky balls in the toes - two old bells in another one with a know at the end so they don't roll out but NO - the clean ones on the bed are more interesting.

Congratulations on your new puppy - but you know what the password is to getting into this forum? Puppy pictures!!

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog

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So it sounds like this is something he will not grow out of! :P He is the pup in my avatar but he is a couple weeks older now and his ears are up and looking like satellite dishes! I promise to post pics asap. I am quite aware that this forum can't get enough of puppy pictures!

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Oooh another sock thief! Fearghus will steal socks if given the opportunity. Usually he sneaks into the bedroom and grabs a sock, underwear or a shirt even. Then he looks at us and wants us to chase him. Finally I figured that if I just shut the door and ignore him he'll drop the sock and look at me like I'm no fun. lol

I can't wait to see new pics of Bear! Congratulations!!



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Congratulations on Bears arrival. He is a real cutie. Yes we have another sock theif here with Radar. Bailey also stole socks and underwear, but he out grew it - so there is hope. I loved going into the living room and find our undies.

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I loved going into the living room and find our undies.

My aunt used to have a little terrier mutt named Scruffy and he loved to get her underwear. One day while the repair man was in the kitchen fixing the washer, my aunt was mortified to see Scruffy walking in wearing one of her bras! She said he somehow got wrapped up in the straps and looked like a camel. Ahhh, he was a funny little dog.



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Max LOVED socks when he was little. He still likes them at almost a year. He also buries rawhides, socks and various toys around the house.

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Congratulations! Isn't the sock thing fun?! Tanner is 2 and doesn't steal socks anymore, but he'll still walk around whining with a bone in his mouth, trying to figure out the best place to bury it.

Becky & Tanner
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Congrats on your baby!

In our house, all socks and dishtowels must be killed. Then we do the chase. :twisted: Then in typical Cairn fashion, he will "leave it" when he decides.

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