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Idaho Cairns

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Idaho Cairns

Bonnie, when told NOT to bring her Aflac Duck ("Aflac, Aflac, AFLAC!") to bed with her, immediately goes into a world class pout. Yes she stayed there long after the picture was taken and we were asleep. This just so representative of her personality, I had to share.


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How cuuuuuute!

Zekey, of course, would de-quack that duck in a minute, so there would be no problem of him bringing the duck to bed.

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Poor Bonnie. She's depressed! And I like how she's not completely under the bed... That way you can still see her and feel sorry for.

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Poor Bonnie!! The things these dogs do to give us guilt trips!! "How dare you not allow me take the world's most annoying duck to bed!!"

Kenzie scoots around the floor on her belly with her legs sticking out behind her like that. We've always said that's her way of scratching her own belly when the uprights won't do it for her!!

The only thing better than owning a Cairn is owning two!

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Idaho Cairns

Exactly! Most of the time her pouting is quite public--she likes us to suffer for denying her what ever it was she wanted. When she is really, really miffed, she disappears for long lengths of time. She is always playing her version of Scarlett O'Hara. If she could talk, I'm sure I would get a "Sir, you are no gentleman!" from her all the time. This half under the bed thing was somewhat over the top, even for The Belle however--just too cute! Maybe I can teach her to stamp her paw?

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How about this Scarlet line "I can't think of anything bad enough to call you" or "I won't think about that today, I'll think about it tomorrow" ( sorry one of my favorite movies)

She is so cute I'll bet she looks like a perky flower until you scold her then wilts like one when you do.

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Love the picture!

Murphy has been known to jump up and down, all four paws off the floor at one time when he doesn't get what he wants. Usually he wants a squirrel or critter.... :whistle:

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Oh my gosh! Way to funny! Gotta love Bonnie! I'd like to give her a playful little pat on the behind. :P

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Jock does the same thing. In his case I think its you cant see me, because I cant see you :lol:

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Very funny! Obviously does not want to communicate any further on the matter with you!


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