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A Cairn Terrier Foster Story


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I write a dog column in Alexandria, Virginia named Off the Leash. I recently talked with a woman who fosters dogs for an all-breed rescue group.

She told me this great story of picking up what she called "an ugly, black dog," only to take it home, trim and wash it and find out she actually had an adorable, lovable Cairn Terrier!

The full article about her and her fostering is here: "Even Ugly Dogs Find a Home." (the dog pictured is not Mitzi, the cairn.)

Thought cairn terrier lovers might especially appreciate the story so I thought I'd pop on here and post the link. Hope you enjoy it!

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I wish there could have been pictures!

MACH3 Red Lion Springin Miss Macho CDX RAE OF ME
Marquee Cairnoch Glintofmacho CD RE MX MXJ OF ME

Glenmore Hjour Summer Sun


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I wish there could have been pictures!

Me too! Unfortunately, Debby didn't have any photos and I don't think she is still in touch with Mitzi's owners.

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While I'm on here I'll link another cairn terrier story as well.

Last year I met a really adorable and friendly cairn named Coco. She was one of my first "Dogs of the Week."

Here is her story.

Sitting on the porch during a beautiful Del Ray day with Coco, a 12-year-old Cairn and Border terrier mix, is truly an experience in popularity. It is like sitting next to a star, as every neighborhood dog and owner that walks by stops to say hello. 

But this is what every day is like for Coco. "She's one of the few divas on the street," says neighbor Patsy Ann.

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What great, cheerful stories - just what I needed! There's so much frightfully awful news in the world. Thanks for reminding me that there are still good, generous folks on this earth (and great dogs). :)

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I too would of loved to of seen "the ugly little black dog" turned into "the little black cutie pie." :thumbsup:

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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It never ceases to amaze me that for all the tough shell I carry around me - I melt when I read stories of good-will and dogs. Guess I have a soft spot for puppers and wonderful people doing good in the world.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog

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What great, cheerful stories - just what I needed! There's so much frightfully awful news in the world. Thanks for reminding me that there are still good, generous folks on this earth (and great dogs). :)

Well put...Ditto

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Glad you all enjoyed the story. Debby is a sweet lady who really does a lot of great work with her fostering.

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