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Another take on pet health insurance


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One of the members has recently mentioned that pet health insurance is so costly, especially for those with more than one dog. A friend recommended that I consider getting accident only insurance, as she had done, because it's much cheaper. I investigated and found an established, well-known insurer that offered it and I enrolled.

Based on the age the age of my dog, (3 1/2), and his vet records, (no health issues) my premiums are $12.50 per month, $100 annual deductible, Max incident benefit $2,500, Max yearly benefit $8,000, Reimbursement 80% of usual & customary charges. Hospitalizations, x-rays and surgery related to accidents are all covered.

Ruffy picks fights with other dogs, climbs trees, jumps over fences and runs away after escaping through any small opening he can find: car door, gate, window, apt. door, etc., so my biggest fear for him is from injury. Thankfully, I haven't needed to file any claims, (and hope I never will) so I can't personally say how well this insurer delivers. But my friend's dog ingested anti-freeze and ended up in the animal hospital intensive care for 3 days. All her hospital costs of several thousand $ were covered... NYC is an expensive city!

Until or unless I find out otherwise, this seems like a good deal for Ruffy & me and I thought others might want to know about this low-cost option. I don't know if Bradl would allow me to identify the insurer, so I'll play it safe and keep them anonymous. If anyone wants the info, you can PM me.


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