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Bye-bye Birdie


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Well...Tanner has officially managed to kill his first bird. I know it is their nature, but it wasn't exactly the start I wanted to this morning, especially when it was followed by 30+ minutes of trying to get my car to move due to the ice. I'm guessing the bird had to be half frozen, as Tanner didn't have to pounce or chase the thing at all. In fact, I was still holding the leash and he just stuck his head in a bush, I heard a "squeak" as his teeth closed in, and he came out triumphant (although, how triumphant can one really be without having to give chase at all?!), holding a rather large bird in his mouth. I, of course, screamed! I totally, completely understand that this is the natural course of things, but that didn't mean I wanted to stand there and watch. He (hear the pride in my voice) did obey and "Drop it!!", although that may be due to the frantic tone of my voice, and after I wiped the feathers from his chin, I disposed of the bird...with much grimacing and sadness. Ah, well...I am sure Tanner is waiting impatiently at home to get back outside and see if he can conquer another one. He can be quite obsessive at times, but gotta love him!

Becky & Tanner
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I know how you feel. Buffy has never killed anything (yet) but, if she does, I hope it's not one of the birds I feed. Now a rabbit or a squirrel, that's different . . . especially when they're digging up the bulbs in my garden or eating my shrubs. <_<

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Kenzie's first kill was a raccoon about twice her size. My son came in from the backyard and said "Mom, Mom! You gotta come look! There's a dead... THING! laying in the gravel!!" I walk out there and sure enough, Kenzie is laying next to a dead coon, as proud as can be! I'm sure my husky had to have helped at least some, even if it was only to distract it. But Gabbie (the husky) didn't seem to care one way or another about it. Freaked me out!

The only thing better than owning a Cairn is owning two!

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I too hope that Layla never decides to pick on birdies. We have at least five bird feeders hanging on the porch and scattered around the grounds as well as a suet feeder. I doubt she would as she sees them all the time and has become accustomed to them now. However, we do have owls, hawks, ospreys & eagles in the area so for that reason alone, she is always only at leash length. Squirrels and chipmunks we have in abundance - she will watch them from above her perch atop the loveseat (her favorite place for all the outside action.) As we got Layla in late November, she has yet to experience the other seasons so I have no idea how she will react. However, I do understand your concern - and I too would probably have screamed. Hopefully this won't become a common occurence.

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You all read my squirrel story from this past summer. I was horrified when my Petite Princess nabbed a squirrel! My DH told me a story when he took the dogs for walk and saw Gracie had somethng in her mouth. He thought it was a bag of some sort but found out it was a severed rabbit head she found. It takes a lot to shock my DH and he was horrified. She was prancing around with her proud wiggle butt..."look at WHAT I found!!"

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