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Jock in all his wisdom has decided recently that going potty (#2) is not to be done till his Mum (me) comes home from work <_< . My DH unless he takes Jock for a walk (with our weather here has not been happening) cannot convince Jock that going potty is ok. He keeps on taking Jock outside, he does the necessary lifting of the leg but no matter how much Jock is encouraged, no results. I walk in the door take Jock outside and instant results X2 :whistle:

What goes thru a Cairns mind... is this supposed to be a treat for me!

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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grinning here! I really didn't want to get into this subject - but here goes - jumping in. It may be his interior mechanism that works this way - in one end out the other is Layla's way and that is usually early in the mornings - but it may also depend on when he eats - the later in the day, thus the later results. Sometimes we forget to look at the positive aspects - just be happy he's pooping I guess! :confused:

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog

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It's cute how there little brains work. Demps goes every morning his pp and #2 - but it has been so frigid cold here that we are having a few little issues with #2 lately. He does know though - I see it written all over his sweet little face. "Oops. Sorry mom, but it just takes to long outside and it's so cold." Hmmm. Can't say that I blame him. It is so very cold I can't even relate it to you. I have resorted to wearing a jacket in the house. What a long winter it has been.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Well my cairn is so attached to my mom still, that he only goes poo outside with her.... but he's getting better when I go outwith him he still goes pp... but hasn't pooped outside with me yet.

Most of the times I let him out by himself, but never seen him go poop, but if my Mom let's him out, he goes pooping right away, the reason why he is so attached to my mom but my "cairn" is because my mom alrdy has a dog attached to her, so fonzy used to get in fights with the other dog, because he wanted to be with my mom's dog. but The only way to fix that is when my Fonzy (Cairn) becomes my dog, I give him walks/etc and everyone, he's doing good! HE got fixed recently so it's all good, i havn't seen them fight because once they do.... it's really bad. I pray to god they will never get into a fight..

Especially if i'm gone... or my mom, because my grandma just hit's them with a paper and that just makes it worse...

but ever since they got fixed no fighting yet... but sometimes they still give each other the "Glare" and that is really scary because they can snap at any time..

they used to be fighting like 3-4months. i mean it got so bad, we couldn't even go to sleep at night because i would stay up worrying "incase' they got in a fight i would have to go break it up, because if not, fonzy would most likly kill the other dog, bcz my sister/grandma/mom just watch them and hit them with a rolled up newspaper, which does nothing.

We tried throwing water/etc and everything in the book. but the only way to get fonzy off him was for me to grab him by his kneck skin and get like a newspaper in put in the middle of them fighting, and fonzy would bight the newspaper, then i would pull him off for safety... we used to do this for 3-4months 2times a week... it was bad,

once my mom got bitten on the arm by fonzy and she still got scars, lol she put her fore arm in the middle of it anyway, but it was over the bed. She had to get stiches/everything, fonzy literally ripped her arm up, it was gross.. I still had to go out and break up the fight, had to run all the way from my room to living room..

I just hope i never hear the "dog fighting noise" in the background cuz i react really fast to it, and it's a scary noise now. But fonzy sleeps with me now, and we got them both fixed... so yeah my mom sleeps with her dog, and I took over fonzy, he my dog now, and I love him! <3

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The poop schedule is always intriguing. On a normal day (no changes to the routine) Buffy is like clockwork - first thing in the morning and again after dinner in the evening. If I'm late getting home from work, however, she seems to hold off the after-dinner poop until I'm home. Guess it's supposed to be a treat for me. ;)

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