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Snow bound crazy

Dempsy's Mom

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When you watch the first one you may want to cover your ears. Dempsy and I have this thing were I screech and he gets more excited. We think it's fun.

We get outside as much as possible but our snow in now hard as a rock, so my videos weren't much fun. Today is a blizzard, so "What the heck," I told Dempsy, "Lets show them how we act inside." Dempsy was in full agreement.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Dempsey is wonderful in that special Cairn way with his dashes, sliding corners, and heavy panting--gotta love these dogs, there is such a special joy in them most of the time. Really enjoyed the videos thanks.

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Scruffy is at this very minute tearing round the house like a pup possessed! He watched the 2 video's with me and I think it's fair to say we both enjoyed the vids! Thanks for sharing them.


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Love the videos. I had heard from previous posts that Cairns do zoomies and Layla is no exception. Guess they are all a little crazy at times. You know your dog well as you waited for him to reappear back around the corner and this time with a bone. What a cutie Demps is.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog

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I just played the first video about 10 times in a row :) When Oliver heard your squeaky squealy noise he ran towards the computer and started panting and running around it trying to figure out what the noise was :D We got a pretty good laugh out of it. Thanks!!

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