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How many uprights got Cairn gifts from their furkids?


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We opened our gifts on Christmas Eve and Buffy gave me both a Cairn calendar and a pair of Cairn socks. I love both gifts but I strongly suspect these were meant to keep me thinking about her every minute of every day. (As if I don't do that already!) Anyone else out there with new Cairn apparel, home decor or whatnot?

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Merry Christmas everyone from Layla, pindrop & old fox! Layla got three new toys - one being a non-stuffed skunk, a soft rubber ball that squeaks at the slightest touch (loves to drive Mummy & Daddy crazy!) and some kind a stuffed turtle that also squeaks in the middle. Daddy got two pairs of socks from his new baby and Mummy got a black turtleneck (now how did she know we needed both items.) Mummy got new fleece lined slippers (new things for Layla to run after and try to hang onto!) and Layla got a new coat (kinda fussy about this one - not sure I like it - pink and brown hearts - the fun will start once they take me out in it and I roll all over the place and get tangled up.)

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog

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Holly gave me a box of chocolates [have to ration as newly diagnosed Diabetes Type 2! but think she got them before I knew!] and I gave her a new Kong Braidz Monkey which she loves and a deer antler which she is not sure about!

[found a firm in UK that does them but pricy so hope she does eventually enjoy it]

A friend sent me a key ring with a Cairn/bone etc hanging from it.

Another friend sent Holly a squeaky Christmas Cracker.



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Fudgie was naughty and did not get me anything! However, she cleaned up. Lots of toys, some already ripped to pieces. And a new rubber backed non slip rug to go on her "perch" at the bedroom window. Wore the old one out! I did get myself a new cairn calendar though! Merry Christmas everyone and their cairns!!

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My grandchildren bought me a pretty bright yellow nighty set - bright pink polka dots and pretty little black Cairns on it. It was rather shocking, but I love it. Dempsy didn't get me anything, but gave me smiles. Merry Christmas Day!

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Cairn calender here. Dogs are wallowing in new squeaky toys, treats, and two great big smoked cow bones which have been drug outside in the yard and are now occupying their entire Christmas morning--it is in and out, in and out, chew awhile, come in to warm up and out again for more gnaws. I knew that was going to be the case but since my children, finally realizing what a "senior" citizen Father really appreciates, gifted me pajamas, slippers, and good books to read, I am warm and cozy and constantly serving the needs of the dogs to be guarding the new bones! Great Christmas morning here and I hope all of you are as comfortable in your Cairn houses! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

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Kipper got lots of toys and treats from us AND Santa. He had his own stocking and everything. Well, we have a 7 y.o. daughter, so the Santa thing was a must. This was Kipper's first xmas, so we wanted to spoil him. Also, we knew we would be out of the house for about 10 hours on Xmas day and wanted him to have plenty to occupy him, since he's normally not alone for nearly that long. He was so excited about the toys. It was adorable! He dragged them all off to his lair and chewed blissfully. Of course the little rope kitty didn't even last the day!

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Merry Christmas! Kirby also had his own stocking. His upright adult brother's were a little concerned that his stocking was bigger than their - but Santa couldn't get the new duck, and chewy stuff in a littler one! I had visions of him digging in the stocking and joyfully pulling out the new duck, but the new beef bone was on top - he grabbed it and ran like :twisted: as fast as he could for the other room. I was left screaming "wait you have more stuff!" He could have cared less. He did however gift his uprights with new socks. Socks must be a theme for Cairns!

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WallE got a new ball, its bright yellow and blue and has all these ridges, its pretty cool. He also got new treats and special wet food. He came to my sisters for Christmas Eve/Day and had a blast with my nieces! (2x4yr old, 1xjust about 3yr old) Needless to say, they kept each other going. I must say, I don't know how he knew it, but wallE got myself a new lamp, my brother some guitar strings, my boyfriend got a mesh barrier for the car to keep wallE in the back seat, and he got Wii speak for the whole house! He must have been working over time!

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