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Its A Wonderful Life

Malcolm's Dad

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Its A Wonderful Life was on tv last night. When I watch this movie I now think about PK, Redmon and Teddy.

When PK brought Teddy (the blind puppy) home she put bells on Redmon so Teddy could sense where he was. When I read that I thought of Its A Wonderful Life, "every time a bell rings an angel gets its wings". I'll bet Redmon and Teddy dispensed quite a few wings.

I'd like to wish a Merry Christmas to all those angels who rescued these little dogs from the miserable life they might have had. And a Merry Christmas to those angels who brought a cute little dog into their house and discovered it requires the patience of a saint to live with these headstrong little creatures.

Merry Christmas to all those furry little devils that can make us believe they are angels.

When there is a Cairn in your home it really is a wonderful life. Just like the movie, it might take a little trouble and turmoil before you realize it.

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Yup, we love our Cairns and go to the mat for them everytime. You just can't put into words how a Cairn fills your life. Adopting Dempsy was a very good day; even though he has to wear his peepee rag while in the house. :P a very small inconvenience compared to all the joys of his companionship. Merry Christmas to you too!

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Wonderful thoughts for this christmas season. Nena has brought so much joy to our home my DH and I can't imagine our lives without her. I hope this holiday season that many who need good homes will find them and also have happy lives.

cairn terriers leave pawprints on our lives
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I tell you any more of these types of e mails and I will run out of kleenex! It gives me happy tears that there are people on this site like PK that take little "broken" dogs like Teddy and give them a home.. and a wonderful one at that. I am so grateful also for all the people on this site that truly love their Cairns and other pets they have . But I also get very sad when I go to the rescue sites and read the horrid things that humans do to animals.

My Christmas wish would be that all those lost little faces that peer out of a kennel door, find loving homes. That would be the best Christmas present ever :halo:

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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what a lovely message! when i read something like that i think of all the people who helped teddy long before i ever got in on it. somebody rescued him from the pet shop, somebody else fostered him, katie was his very special angel. He is a lovely little guy and is indeed having a wonderful life. and i just heard today a radio report on the rising number of people in vermont who must give up their pets for economic reasons. shelter staff commented on the heartbreak of watching people, some of them elderly and lonely, part with their truly beloved pets. this world is full of pain, and innocent animals often get the worst of it. let's celebrate those who have found a berth, and try to help, in some way or other, those who are still out in the cold.

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"people in vermont who must give up their pets for economic reasons. shelter staff commented on the heartbreak of watching people, some of them elderly and lonely, part with their truly beloved pets."

That has got to be the most heartbreaking thing a loving owner would have to do. :confused:

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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What a wonderful post. It breaks my heart when I hear of the stories some of the animals have to endure - thank god for all the people who care enough to help in any way.

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