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Bad leash manners can result in injury, your injury

Murphy's Mom

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Just a warning to all of you out there with dogs who yank and pull on the leash when they see another dog or squirrel or anything else.

Last night in my sloping wooded part of the yard Murphy spotted a squirrel and started pulling one way so I held on and then.......the leaves started slipping out from under my left foot and I was falling. In short, I broke my left ankle.

It's may fault for letting her pull me onto the little hilly area full of leaves. I've almost tripped and slipped a couple of times before but she loves running in the leaves. It's my fault for not leash training her better. She's great when we walk in the park but in my yard she wants to go where the smells are and there's plenty of wildlife around to smell.

Be careful out there you all. These little dogs are all muscle even though they are small. With winter weather coming to some of your areas ice and snow will be a threat also so think twice and be careful.

North Georgia, USA

Home to Miss Murphy-Cairn mix-born est. Dec.'07

Joined our family on June 16,'09

Dogs leave pawprints on your heart

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Too bad! Right before the Holidays you certainly don't need that particular type of injury. I know what you mean, we've both had the experience of being pulled over by our girls--that and the entanglements that often go with bad leash behavior!

No broken bones yet but I certainly can see how it could happen.

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Holly has pulled me over on uneven grass when a another dog jumped on her, so I have sympathy for you! Luckily I just wrenched by ankle and it was sore for a week. However during this spell of snow/ice and now some slush I am only doing very short careful walks with her as I don't want to fall and break anything!


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Oh no!! I hope you heal up quickly. I know what you mean, these dogs really are strong. Malcolm will shoot like a bullet when he sees something. He has given me a sore wrist a few times. Oh well, now you have a good excuse to put something with a little kick in the hot chocolate.

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I'm so sorry to hear about your injury. I hope your ankle heals quickly and doesn't ruin your holidays! Yes, these little buggers can pull like the devil, can't they? I have to be careful with Buffy now - a lot of icy sidewalks out there! :confused:

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WOW!! That's awful! Just when you begin to relax a bit, BAM!, they're off like a shot. Being at the other end of the leash can be hazardous to your health sometimes. Finn is just 5 months but I think I already have permanent arm socket damage. Keep switching leash holding arms to even out the wear & tear. I keep telling him he's going to get us both hurt badly if he doesn't chill, but, true to his nature, he chooses not to listen to this warning. Am beginning to think that no matter how much leash training you practice, if something (like wind) catches their attention, they revert to the vermin hunter they are. I am convinced that they just pretend, most of the time, that they recognize that you're in charge. Or rather, when it suits them. So, how can they be so absolutely loveable??? In 3 months, Finn has provided temporary physical damage (puppy teeth are sharp!) & permanent mental issues (after countless hours of frustration). Just when I think he's decided to be an angel boy, the devil resurfaces. But he's my adorable baby boy & life would never be the same without him. See what I mean by mental issues??------------Really hope your ankle heals quickly. And I hope Murphy is providing a lot of sympathy & comfort. Bet she'll be on her best behavior for a few days.

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oh my goodness I hear your plight. I do hope you heal quickly. Hubby pulled a ligament last Tuesday, helping someone pull their dock out of the water and has been laid up and in a great deal of pain (had to use a walker to get around the house) and Layla who normally gets to run around the property had to be severely restricted to the length of her leash from the porch. Hopefully you have someone else in the house to help out during this healing process. Good luck!

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog

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Poor Murphy - he probably feels bad that his walker is out of commission. He is thinking "Now what am I going to do?" If he could he would place an ad, "Immediate opening for a temporary dog walker." :blush: or maybe he will run out and buy you a pair of ski's that he can pull you around the yard with. :P

Seriously, poor, poor you. I am so sorry that happened. Like everybody else has said, during Christmas of all times. Not that there is a good time for a broken ankle, but come on December is not the month for it. Well, that means more snuggles with Murphy.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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I have to be careful with Buffy now - a lot of icy sidewalks out there! :confused:

. . . And what did I do? Took the pups for a walk an hour after I wrote this and fell on an icy driveway. :ermm: Two bruised knees but nothing broken, thank heavens!

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I am really sorry to hear about your ankle. This is a good warning to all of us. I read somewhere that people who trip over their dogs, (in the house and/or outside), account for a disproportionately high number of hospital emergency room visits! When I'm walking Ruffy over slick or uneven surfaces I try to remember to keep the leash very short and somewhat tight. He's more controlled that way and I can at least let the leash out & not be pulled off balance... (I hope!!!).

Wishing you a speedy recovery!


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I am really sorry to hear about your ankle. This is a good warning to all of us. I read somewhere that people who trip over their dogs, (in the house and/or outside), account for a disproportionately high number of hospital emergency room visits! When I'm walking Ruffy over slick or uneven surfaces I try to remember to keep the leash very short and somewhat tight. He's more controlled that way and I can at least let the leash out & not be pulled off balance... (I hope!!!).

Wishing you a speedy recovery!

That's what I was told in the ER by the xray technician. Most injuries happen to women. Getting pulled over or tangled happens more than we realize.

Thank you all for your kind thoughts.

My husband has become full-time housekeeper, nurse and dog walker and is doing a fine job.

Murphy seems to know there's a problem here. She does not pester me go to the park in the morning and she is stayng right by my side all day long. She is giving me lots of kisses to. Unless my husband calls her to go outside or to feed her she is right next to me. She is such a sweet girl.

Again, be careful ladies (and gents). I wouldn't wish this on anyone. I'm using a walker around the house. I'm in my 50's and feel like I'm in my 90's right now.

North Georgia, USA

Home to Miss Murphy-Cairn mix-born est. Dec.'07

Joined our family on June 16,'09

Dogs leave pawprints on your heart

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