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Sassy gets teased by a squirrel


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Just a short video of Sassy trying to get to a squirrel. Could have gone on longer, but I didn't want her to wake up the neighborhood with her barking and the squirrel had things to get done.

Sassy is teased by a squirrel on an early morning walk or maybe the squirrel is terrierized by Sassy? I think the squirrel won this one.

This is how I know that the normally mild mannered, calm and zen like Sassy is truly a Cairn Terrier.

Sassy Jan 22, 2005



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Mine are just now coming back to the door after chasing off a squirrel for the fourth time this morning. I am convinced that our squirrels use our girls for tactical survival training--they will come down the small faux fruit tree outside the condo, just far enough to keep the dogs' interests and then crawl back to the top before finally making some great and dangerous escape across the lawn.

Having watched when the squirrel's timing was a bit off, I do not believe our dogs want to really catch the thing--they hesitate just long enough to prevent biting their playmates. It's like they are putting on a show of being terriers.

But it goes on and on in the circle of our lives--as routine as clockwork.

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I enjoyed that, thanks for sharing it and so did Scruffy, he's going mad here, he could hear Sassy barking laugh.gif


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Layla is also barking at Sassy - even though she cannot see her on the monitor. Love the coloring of Sassy. ScruffyMag I see you have a new picture - very nice.

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Yes, Holly was barking at Sassy too - so turned the sound off! Sassy is certainly persistent.


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Apollo enjoyed watching the video. He sat on my lap and would turn his head this way and that, only the way a Cairn does, when Sassy would vocalize her frustrations. Very cute all around! Thanks for sharing. :P



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