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Kneeling Cairn ?

Robert Elvis

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Bob is a 10 year old Cairn and has done this since He was a pup. He will lay his front legs down and put his head on the carpet, back legs and butt up in a almost genuflecting pose.

He'll stay there until you walk over and pet him on the head. Usually does this after we come home and He has been alone in the house for a while.

Anyone else have theirs do this or something similar ? Have never seen any other dogs do this.


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well my Robby starts like that but as you get close to him he flips all the way over for a belly rub .

Ruffy does the same thing. Carrington used to do that when getting up from a nap. He'd get into that position, with his front paws on the floor out in front and his butt in the air and stretch & stretch & yawn until he got a wake-up scritch from me! Cute!


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Yup, Hogan does that. He sometimes asumes the most contorted positions, and the butt usually comes up first, before his head, when he gets up...

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Love the picture! Nope, ours don't do quite that pose but one thing I have learned about Cairns is that they all have their little idiosyncratic behaviors that are endearing as the dickens. They can work you.

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Flippin' adorable picture. Dempsy doesn't get quite as low, but does put paws way out front and butt as high as he can get it. Very cute.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Holly does that when she gets out of her bed in morning - she stretches her back legs out and then does that - I call it her yoga session!


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yes, my cairn does that. with the same far-away look in the eye. but not supporting himself in the corner! tha't s smart!

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