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Sassy goes to the carwash


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I snatched a Flip UltraHD camera at Target this morning and on the way home stopped at the automated carwash. Played with the camera while going through. Do you know how hard it is to aim a camera over your shoulder and try to control it while viewing the display via the rear view mirror? Anyway I put this little video together using the free version of iMovie. Nothing special, just playing. At least you can get a sense of just how calm Sassy is. Enjoy!

Sassy Jan 22, 2005



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I understand--our two go ditzoid in the car wash--especially Bonnie--way too much stimulus from strange noises, sights, and shadows. This is not an experience they enjoy in the least. Fun video.

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Scotty would of totally tried to get the car wash....lol maybe angel too...

you may have the calmest cairn i have ever seen


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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Thanks for sharing that, it was interesting to watch and I can't believe how calm Sassy was!! Scruffy would have gone crazy!


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Many years ago my parents were dog sitting for us while on vacation and my dad decided to take our cairn, Mandy for a car ride and stop at the car wash. Well Mandy went crazy as they went through the car wash, she was barking and running all over trying to bite the monster crawling all over the van. Dad told me never take that beast to a car wash it was not a pleasant. He said he was lucky that she didn't have a heart attack :lol:

Radar would flip out, but Bailey would be calm. (I have to remind Bailey he's a terrier.)

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Yes, Sassy is one calm Shaolin monk. She even calls me Grasshopper. :P I have wondered many times if she is really a Cairn and if it is all just an act. But when she sees a rabbit or a squirrel all my doubts go away.

By the way, at the beginning of the video she is standing on a piece of fabric that is used as a privacy screen for the cargo area below it. It is attached by four corner hooks, not exactly a stable platform. Usually where I find her waiting for me after I come back from running an errand.

Sassy Jan 22, 2005



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What a good girl! Ellie would have gone INSANE. She goes absolutely bonkers when the windshield wipers are on. Sometimes I will drive in the rain with no wipers just to keep her calm.

Sassy is beautiful!

Enjoy the FLIP... I had one when they first came out. Sadly, it died on me last winter.

Have a great week,

~Lorie & ELlie

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Jock would have attacked that octopus thing for sure... howling like an banshee, while flying around the car. Sassy is one cool cucumber :whistle: .. although she is a bit worried and keeps on looking at you for assurance that she is safe... very sweet. Love Sassy's comments !

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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