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Daddy its raining

Malcolm's Dad

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Last night it was raining on and off. I opened the back door to let Malcolm out to do his business. He stepped out and realized it was raining. He came back in. Now Malcolm is not afraid of water. He loves to play in the sprinkler in the summer and demands to be squirted with the hose. I told him go out. Nope he sat there. I stepped outside to see if something was there. Nothing out there, but Malcolm stepped out with me and came right back in with me. I'm stepping in and out trying to get him outside. He wouldn't go out. I asked him "What, are you suddenly afraid of the rain"? He just sat there and looked at me.

Malcolm is a very good guard dog. If something was in the yard he would be out there barking at it. But I figured I'd better go look anyway. I got my umbrella and went out in the yard. Malcolm followed right behind. I'm standing in the rain with my umbrella, Malcolm is trotting around looking for that special spot to do his business. The rain didn't bother him at all. Rain or snow, he has to find the exact right place to go potty, it can take a little bit of sniffing to find it.

So then I thought that little stinker. He just wanted me to go out in the rain with him. He goes out in the rain all the time by himself so I don't know why he had to be accompanied this time. Sometimes there is no figuring out a Cairn.

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yes, looks like you fell for it. reminds of when redmon was only about four months old, i would have an english muffin each morning, which i ate from an end table by my chair. usually he would sit and stare at me with the burning eyes, which didn't do much because there was just this one little english muffin, hardly enough for me. one morning he is running toward the other side of the house, barking like there is some intruder in the yard. i get up to go see, there is nobody. then i get suspicious, and i think he has gone and stolen my muffin. i look down, there he is right beside me. i go back to my muffin. hardly sat down, he's barking frantically again at the other side of the house. i get up to go look, nothing. i look down, he is right beside me, looking at me earnestly. i go sit down again, again with the barking. i go look, nothing. i look down, also nothing. i go back to my chair, he is standing in the chair with english muffin crumbs all over his face. he's looking at me like "what?"


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I think we have all fallen for that trick at least once...

Scotty did I'll pretend i have to go potty so I can soccer ball in the rain a few weeks ago


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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Mine too. A couple of weeks ago we had some pretty heavy rain and I had to get to work so I took them out for their last pee. Casey does her business and runs back in, but Bailey and Radar don't want to have anything to do with it and stay on the covered patio. I ran inside to get my umbrella and one at a time brought them out on a leash to the middle of the yard and just stood there until they went. They got pretty wet by the time they realized that I was not moving. And yes, they had to walk around and around looking for the perfect spot to go.

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When it is raining Holly will go to door to go out but then when she sees the rain she will sit in door and look at me as if to say "stop that stuff!", and I have to throw some kibble into garden for her to go and get it! Then she will do her slow inspection of the garden to see where she can do her business - meanwhile door is open letting cold and wet in! and she will take great delight in doing a poop in rain and then racing round garden as if she is very pleased with herself whilst I come out in rain to dispose of it!

When it was nice weather in summer she would go in and out quickly!

They like to be contrary these dogs!


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