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So we are going on a little trip...

Buddy's Dad

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And Buddy must know we are going. We have 2 Roomba vacuums in the house and for the past couple of days (since the suitcases have been out) Buddy has been sitting next to one or the other and whimpered.

This morning he actually turned one on and had it start its vacuum program! I would have taken a pic, but my camera was already packed! :mad:

Poor puppy, I wish he could come too! :crybaby:

- John -

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I know it just breaks your heart to leave them :crybaby: .... you almost want to stay home ..... almost. Buddy will be so very happy when you return. :D

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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I know the feeling. I'm leaving for a week this weekend. It will be the first time I've left Ozzy for more than a couple of nights. I wish I could take him, and then again I know I will enjoy having some dog free time, just as I enjoyed having some kid free time when my kids were little. It's just so sad to see their little faces looking at you when you close the door. :crybaby: Ozzy will get to stay at home with my son, so that is good, but he's not as schedule oriented as I am so I worry about Ozzy's routine being thrown off, accidents, that sort of thing. I need this vacation more than ever though, so I'm gooing to close the door to that little face and try not to think about it too much. (Of course he'll have a mountain of treats when I go!). My son and Ozzy love each other, so there will be no lack of love while I'm gone. I need to remind myself of that. We need to be brave... :cry:

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