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Finally posting some pictures

Malcolm's Dad

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I'm visiting a friend with a good computer. We downloaded pictures from my camera and put them on photobucket. I'm wondering if these are too large, they are over 1 meg each. Any suggestions for uploading pictures is appreciated.

Here are some nice clear pictures of Malcolm.

Laying by the back door:



Aren't you going to fetch those balls?


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I love the color of his coat! What a lovely boy :wub:

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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His right front paw is white, that is good. Outside at night that little white paw is the only way I can find him sometimes. When I first brought him home my neighbor thought he had a bandage on his paw.

Those grey/silver hairs were a problem at first. I thought that was dead outer coat that needed to be stripped. I hand stripped some of them and Malcolm did not like that at all. Poor little guy, they grew back grey/silver so that is the real color. He sure is a mix of colors.

There are more pictures but I think they should be smaller.

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Awww, what a cutie pie! He looks a lot like Zekey, with that wonderful brindling!

Love the first pic with the "clothes pin" pose.

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I like the pictures, especially the size of them--you can really see the details and the lovely color of the dog. Gotta love that little white foot turned out at such a jaunty angle.

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Cutie! I think the size of the photos is great! I love to see photos in that much detail :)

So when people ask you what color your dog is and you don't want to explain the concept of brindle, what do you say? He sure has some cool coloring!

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Malcolm thanks you for all the compliments. Of course as you all know, being so cute means you can get away with anything. How can you yell at such an adorable dog? Right now he is being superbad. I give him a bone and what does he do? He has to take it right in front of the parrot cage to chew it. This makes the parrot go nuts. I know he does this on purpose just to irritate the bird.

I tell people he is grey and silver. You're right Jodi, some people don't know what brindle is, so I just say grey and silver stripes.

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