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Just Passing Through


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Just thought I'd drop a note and say hello to everyone.

Still have not found the time to commit to another Carin.

Currently working in South Carolina. Been here for 4 months now and my assignment could last up to 3 years.

Still checking local shelters and websites for the perfect rescue dog for me.

Just worried I cannot give it the time it will need and it's not fair to the dog to keep it crated all the time.

Three years has flown by since Mac's passing.

The next 3 will probably go by just as fast.

Maybe then I can settle down and finally get that new partner in crime.

Anyhow, just passing through and thought I'd post a small update.

Thanks for all your posts. It is what keeps me focused on the prize at the end of my current assignment.


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it takes time. keep yourself open. you won't be replacing mac. you will be bringing his wisdom and love to some little one who will need it.

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