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New raincoat!


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I saw this raincoat advertised online so thought - oh that looks good for Holly - zips up back so keeps belly cleaner, the harness will go over top. Got it in post this morning and put it on her!! I think the expression says a lot!



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The raincoat looks lovely - just not sure how Holly cares for it. Now, I've always thought, why doesn't someone invent an umbrella that is built into a harness structure and that way the dog keeps dry when it is raining. I have yet to meet a dog who likes to go out into the rain. :crybaby:

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog

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Rain doesn't bother our guys. Even if it's pouring down, Packy & Kirby will head on out if the plan is to go for a walk or out to the lake. I guess they figure if they're going to swim, why does it matter if it's raining -- they're going to get wet anyway!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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Holly is not keen on anything on her............... but I thought would take a chance with this as it is just a thin nylon material. I am fed up of washing her underneath as when it is raining she does not like walking so lies down on pavement/grass/mud! So this is to make life easier and hopefully she will get to like it! :whistle:


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It looks like Holly is thinking... "What did I ever do to deserve such humiliation?". I personally think it's a great looking little coat, but what do I know, I'm just a stupid human!


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I think she looks great!! Try another approach...explain to her she's wearing the latest fashion and all the other female dogs will be jealous :lol:

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I think mom loves the rain coat! Holly not so much. :shy: Maybe you two will find a happy medium. Holly won't be getting her tail wet - unless she pulls it out between her legs. So sorry that Holly doesn't share in your excitement. I have a feeling that Holly is going to win. It's like when mom would make me wear pants under my dress. Thanks for sharing.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Very heavy rain here today so thought we would not get out for a walk[she has only been out for a very very quick wee once up to now], but then the sky got a bit lighter and the rain eased a little so I dressed Holly up in her coat, got harness on and took her out. It was a case of drag a dog along but I threw a treat ahead and she went after that. Seemed to make her realise she could walk in it but do not think she actually approves!

So after that progress was very slow as she kept stopping and shaking herself - trying to get rid of this thing on her! And we had a few treats along the way but managed 20 minutes................... then she came back and took harness off but left coat on and she did a mad dash round garden, stopped and peed and pooped, another dash round and then realised it was raining heavier again so came flying into kitchen. I removed coat and then just dried legs, tail and she dried her head on the bed that is in kitchen!

No shaking of rain all over as she had a nice dry back and belly and no fight with the towel!

So will have to see how we get on with it - I think will have to ensure use other harness which is a bit looser on her than one I used to today.

Now she is settled in the kitchen and it has stopped raining and the sun is trying to come out!! so may have a coatless walk in a bit!


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