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Sassy learns to shake hands


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I have been working with Sassy to learn to shake. I only did it with the special treats that she really loves, you know the ones where they do a tail spin into the kitchen when they know what's coming. It has been a bit of a slow process.

She finally got it Tuesday night, where I didn't have to touch her paw to get her to lift her paw. By the way it has always been with her left paw and my right hand while holding the treat in my left hand. By the next night I didn't even have to ask to shake, I just lowered my hand and she lifted her paw. So now we are about 50/50 if I have to ask and maybe give a multiple prompt.

Well tonight she added her own creativity. She was firmly planted on her left paw (her training side) so she leaned a little more into it and lifted her right paw. Do you think that she knew all along that I was doing it wrong and she just finally reached the point that she decided "I am going to show this dummy how do it right"?

I still can't get her to come on a regular basis, actually she regularly ignores that command, although she will pretty much sit and stay on command.

Sassy Jan 22, 2005



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Pegi learned to shake pretty quickly; but will only shake with the right paw. Left is just for high 5's. Sometimes I think they are smarter than we are....

Linda & Pegi

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Congratulations!!! Once she completely gets it you might notice her giving you her paw whenever she wants something that you have :D My husband taught Oliver that trick and now whenever he has something Oliver wants he "paws" at him. He doesn't do it to me much because I don't really do that trick with him. You are right.....they are very smart and have to keep it interesting!

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