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Change in eating habits


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Pegi is now a year old, and has changed her eating habits. She used to run to her dish and gulp all her food down. Now she kind of ignors it until she's hungry. Is this normal? Think she may be just growing up, and realized that her food will be there when she wants it. She came from a litter of 8 so I'm sure it was first come, first serve. She is still eating about the same, perhaps a little less on some days. The vet said she will eat when she's hungry and her weight is fine.

Linda and Pegi

Linda & Pegi

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Poor little thing probably was worried about her food disappearing. I am sure it is better for her digestive track - now that she knows she doesn't have to scramble for it and she eats when she wants. I wish Dempsy would eat more kibble. He waits for his treats ... I should let him go a little hungry, but he knows how to maneuver me. ;)

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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My experience is that nothing is routine with Cairns and eating. They sometimes eat in the morning and evening, sometimes in either the morning or evening, and sometimes late at night. I know one of the two or both will get up in the middle of the night and eat. I haven't seen a consistent time that they desire food. Just before their walk going out the door, the older dog will take a kibble or two and then take one when she comes back--the puppy never does this. Sometimes they dine when we dine, sometimes not. We put a cup of kibble out in the morning and one late at night so I assume they both get what they want.

Sometimes they eat alone and at other times they will eat together.

Based on what I see, I sure wouldn't worry about how or when a dog eats--like so much else with Cairns--the only thing you can expect is the unexpected.

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Buffy sometimes doesn't touch her food all day, then finally eats in the evening. She's fine, healthy and active. Guess it's just a Cairn thing.

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I buy something he has been eating like crazy only to have him turn his nose up the very next meal!

I've learned to buy canned food & kibble in small quantities. I envy others who are able to conveniently buy large bags of kibble and canned dog food by the case. Experience has taught me that today's favorite food might be completely ignored tomorrow and forever after! :censored:


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I've learned to buy canned food & kibble in small quantities.

I'm going to have to start doing that. Zekey never liked kibble, and I've gone through several brands of canned food. I guess I should just rotate through them, to give him a more varied menu. Any more now he eats some in the morning and stops, but I hate to leave it out all day.

Confession time: once, I ran out of dog food, and gave him canned cat food. Oh boy, big mistake! Apparently, it was quite tasty! I have to make sure he's behind the pet gate when I feed the cats!

More and more I think Zekey is channelling my cats' attitude. Last spring, in the middle of an agility training class, he suddenly lost all interest in the treats that I had. I could almost hear him saying "Um, I may not have mentioned this to you, but I really don't care for that brand of treats anymore. What else you got??" Luckily the trainer had some extra string cheese. Sheesh!

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"More and more I think Zekey is channelling my cats' attitude. "

Cats are exactly what Cairns remind me of! They like who "they" like and do "what they want when they want!"

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