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Dempsy & Cousin Trevor playing with Wubba

Dempsy's Mom

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Dempsy loves it when cousin Trevor comes for a visit. They play all sorts of games. Poor little Dempsy has a heck of a time keeping up with such a long legged hound. Around and around they go. Over, under, up, down, in, out, back n' forth ... whew, Dempsy keeps up but he is more than ready to say good-bye to Trevor. Demps takes a nice long nap and is more than willing to snuggle with you after Trevor leaves. I take full advantage. :hug:

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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I like Trevor trying to stare down Dempsey in the first pic "It's mine, and you can't have it".

But Dempsey in the third pic seems to say "What was that you were saying?" while Trevor's already calling "Mom, he took it!".

Great pics!!

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Great pictures!!!! Dempsy looks so much like Missy. :-) Is Dempsy from Idaho? Missy is originally from there too, but I don't know the name of the breeder. I should dig out her paperwork again and look.

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