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Picture of Kit and my daughter, Hannah


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Kinda yucky due to the fact that it was taken on a disposable camera!


"Did you ever walk into a room and forget why you walked in? I think that is how dogs spend their lives." - Sue Murphy

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Thanks!! We went to our city's 2nd annual dog festival yesterday and someone asked me if she was a "blue Cairn". I had never heard of such a thing! Has anyone else? If so, what are the specifications? When you part Kit's fur, the fur is grey and tan striped all the way down to the skin. On the outside of the fur, it's mostly grey, black ticked, with patches of tan.

"Did you ever walk into a room and forget why you walked in? I think that is how dogs spend their lives." - Sue Murphy

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paisley and kit are so similar in looks! paisley hasn't ever been called blue. thats interesting! but then again, not many people in our area have cairns!

**Ila and Paisley**
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Kinda yucky due to the fact that it was taken on a disposable camera!

I don't agree. Both of your girls are peeking through their hair to show off their eyes.

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Ahh...your daughter and Kit would make a really cute Dorothy and Toto for Halloween. This is a cute pic

Raise your expectations for what your Cairn can do....and try very hard to meet your Cairn's expectations of you.
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Ahh...your daughter and Kit would make a really cute Dorothy and Toto for Halloween. This is a cute pic

I agree! Both of your girls are cute!!

Becky & Tanner
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Idaho Cairns

Oh, I would definitely do a Dorothy and Toto with those two every chance I got! Wow. Little girls and Cairns are just so evocative of the Wizard of Oz. Bright eyes aplenty in that wonderful photo.

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