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What a spoiled dog

Malcolm's Dad

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Little Prince Malcolm now requires a hand servant. It was hot and muggy here today. Its hot all over the country. So I put an ice cube in Malcolm's water. He takes it, gives it a few crunches and drops it on the floor. I put it back in his water, same thing. A few crunches and he drops it on the floor.

So I pick it up and held it in front of him. He takes it and drops it on the floor. Then I half closed my hand and held the ice cube. This was much better. He was licking the ice cube now. There I was, bent over holding an ice cube for the dog until he was done.

When he was finished I asked "Is there anything else your majesty"?. Nope, he trotted away to find something else.

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No not spoiled... just totally loved :wub:

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Just love it when we do something for them and they trot away afterwards. Cute little attitudes. Demps enjoys it when I put a few ice cubes in his pool - he likes to fish for them. Have to make the best out of these hot hot days. Today, however, is bliss - almost fall like - amazing how fast this weather can change.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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That's the thing with these guys... you do something nice for them, and they expect it ALL the time! Zekey and I have little Find It games going where I'll hide a treat for him. Doesn't he ALWAYS look for treat in the same spot, like there's an endless supply there?

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