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Happy Birthday Zekey!

Zekey's Mom

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Zekey turned 2 yesterday, which also marks a year since I adopted him. He's really matured in that time, and oh boy, WHAT a personality!! My life must have been really empty before, because he sure fills it up!

I got him a new collar and a red rubber ball, which lasted all of 2 seconds. (But Mom, it's much easier to carry squashed!) For some reason or other, he refused to wear his birthday hat for very long, and put a few bite marks along the rim. Hmmmm. I'll have to find one made of soft comfy felt for next year!


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Happy Birthday to Zekey!

Also wanted to say that Baby Fly at 8 months is taking on a sort of 'Zekey look' around her face. Very lovely. She likes it.

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Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Zekey, Happy Birthday to you! And many mooooooooore!!!! :party::cake::party:

By the way, what a fabulous picture of him in his party hat! His fur is such a beautiful color!

Slurps and hugs,

Murphy the Cairn (P.S. Hey Z., I got a red rubber ball, too! Cool!)

Gracie the Lab (Where's the cake, buddy?)

Melissa the Mom

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Happy Birthday Zekey. I agree you don't look too thrilled with the hat, but you won't have to wear it again for another year.

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Happy Birthday!

Love the look on his face as he wears that hat - never mind Zekey as someone else has said - you don't need to wear it for another year!


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:cake: Happy Birthday Zekey!! Love the picture of him with his birthday attire.

Bailey, Casey & Radar send lots of hugs & sloppy kisses :hug:

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Woof! Zekey here... thanks for all of your birthday wishes! I know I look silly in that stupid hat, but my Mom gave me lots of treats to try it on. I showed her -- I only wore it for a few seconds, and then I got MORE treats! What fun!

I wanted to show off my new rubber ball... squashed in 2.3 seconds flat! A new personal best!


P.S. My mom thinks I look real cute with my "mustache", but it's not really a mustache. I must have just woken up from a nap or something -- sometimes it sticks up that way!


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Oh, Zekey, I love your mustache!! Wish my mom would let me have one. Also, really like the number you did on that red ball! :thumbsup:

Woof! Woof!

Murphy the Cairn

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Thanks for sharing this picture of Zekey. I've always love his face but wondered what the rest of him looked like. He's one cute little dood!

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