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Summer Reruns

Malcolm's Dad

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I've been putting the sprinkler out lately. Malcolm loves to play in the water. We had rain last night and this morning so the lawn didn't need watering, but Malcolm did, so I had to hook up the spray nozzle and wet him down. He just can't get wet enough.

This video is from last summer. I checked and it is still on youtube. It makes a good summer rerun.

Oh great, I can't get the link thing to work. I can't watch the video either. My pc has win 95 and nothing works with it anymore. I think if you copy and paste you can see the video, sorry about the hassle.

Ok this is strange. When I posted the message the link came up. When I was composing the message the link icon did nothing. Oh well, as long as it works.

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Very Cute! :lol: My Boston terriers used to do that. Scotty will do it with the hose if it is on mist. Angel wants nothing to do with it...lol she is such a princess


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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Thanks Brad. Next time I can type the media tags manually. One of these days I'll get a new computer, but I prefer to spend hours in the yard with Malcolm rather than hours in the store looking at new computers.

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Buckley does something similar. We have a spray nozzel that has a 'jet' setting. Buckley will beg, whimper, jump, and/or do the dancing bear pirouette routine to be sprayed in the face so he can turtle snap the stream of water. I have it on video, but haven't uploaded it yet. Gracie, on the otherhand, thinks he is a fool.

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Idaho Cairns

It just cracks me up to see how obsessed Cairns get with something. That and the shaking it all out--they run out and get themselves wet, do the shaking out thing and then get right back to the water. Love that video.

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