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Schoolhouse Fun!


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WOOF! Eli, here.

Me and the Apha B live in a schoolhouse built in 1883. It's all renovated and stuff. Whatever that means. We got asked to put the schoolhouse on a bus tour of other schoolhouses in our county and the Alpha B said "yes". So she has been busy primpin' up the house and the yard while I have been supervising between naps. Well, the big day was this past Saturday and boy, did I have a blast! 85 (!) people came to see ME, and oh, yeah, the house and the yard. They loved ME, and oh, yeah, the house and the yard. The Alpha B was busy talking to these 85 people while I was getting all the belly rubs I could. I lost count but I got a lot. I liked all the people but just HAD to bark at the buses. That was fun, too.

It was a great day!


Eli B)

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Sounds like you had a blast! And, it must be especially neat living in a renovated schoolhouse. Do you have to do anything weird like sit in a corner with a funny hat on or write on a chalk board that you promise to be good?

Hairy Putter



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