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I need a new ball...

Liz in PA

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Hogan hasn't convinced me, but he thinks he can change my mind if I post his "problem" here. He feels he needs a new ball-his basket is ONLY HALF FULL, and he feels he shouldn't have to suffer through such deprivation.

What you you think?

(Keep in mind that UNTIL I snapped the picture, he looked perfectly happy-don't fall for that expression!)


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Tanner would agree with Hogan 100%...balls are his favorite toys, all sizes & materials...he loves 'em all. And you can NEVER have too many!

Becky & Tanner
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Oh yeah, more balls!! Bring 'm on!

Those are Taz' favorites too (actually he's obsessed with them). Target has a great 4 pack of small squeeky tennis balls that are perfect for Cairn size. And the squeekers last (not like the ones you get at Petsmart).

Taz thinks you need to fill the basket, and then invite him over.

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Hogan is a genius for getting you to ask this question. Better break out the pocket book.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Zekey has a different philosophy -- since his toys are usually scattered throughout the house, he ALWAYS feels deprived. Looking at Hogan's bounty of balls all in one place, I'm not sure he'd sympathize! :D

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Baby Fly is amazed at Hogan's stash of wonderful beautiful round and bouncy balls and thinks he should have at least the whole basket full. She also wonders how Hogan manages to keep his balls out in plain sight as all her balls are under something. -_-

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sigh...I should have known this wasn't going to go my way!

BTW, the reason all those balls are IN the basket, and not all over the house and under things, is because Hogan carefully puts all his toys back in the basket after he's finished playing with them...

Yeah, I'm lying. :D

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