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Okay I now have my new boy....I have had him about 3 weeks now he is 12 weeks old. I got him from my breeder friends down in FL. He is my Paints, Uncle and I am so excited to have him in the McCormick crew! Yes now I have 7 dogs, 2 pets and 5 for my future.

So here's Gator..his name is Coralrock's McCormick Easy Rider....AKA GATOR




Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Gee... 7 dogs now.....hhhmmmm need a puppy sitter? LOL

He is too cute!

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Welcome Gator!!! He is sooooooo cute!!

Wow you have quite the group. We will be picking up my new baby in two weeks and that will make three for me. I thought that was a lot. ;)

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Here are a couple of pics one of him and his niece Paint....his Mom is her Grandmother

then one of him and the two sisters that will be out in the show ring with him

The little dark girl is Stella who will live two doors down and work with a young Junior handler and then lighter one is Chami who will live in FL with the breeder. It was such a cute litter.

Then the last is the pool picture... I guess I need a bigger pool





Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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How in the world did you get them all in the pool? That's awesome. Their bodies sort of morph into one another in that picture.

Congrats on your new addition - he's got such a cute face. And I love his name (I used to live in Tampa!).

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Too cute! Love the pictures.

Gator has very similar coloring to Benny when he was that age.

Enjoy the fun!

The world revolves around Benny and Sally...or so they think!

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They all love the pool! It is a matter of keeping them out! They run around a bit get hot then jump in the pool. It is really hot in Georgia the past couple of weeks so I fill the pool for them so that they will run and get exercise but still keep cool. The only one who doesn't get in is Rebel he has always been a bit afraid of the water and of storms...the others are all in all the time! We have often thought about building a small rock pond in the back for them but never have...so far the pool works great


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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