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weird habits


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I 've seen Scotty sleep in the strangest ways! he likes to have his feet up in the hair and likes to sleep inside my couch and push out couch cushions. What looks very uncomfortable for some reason is when he is the most comfortable. He always has to have his head propped up on something....but this is ridiculous ! this doesn't look comfortable or doesn't look like it smell very good either! first two photos were taken with my iphone today so quality isn't too good.






Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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I love the picture of Scotty with his head in the shoe! But agree that he does have a funny sleeping place in the couch rather than on it!! :lol:

[Have noticed since you mentioned before about Scotty liking to prop his head on something - Holly likes this too but she sleeps on coach - not in it!]


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Cute photos!

Molly *tries* to do that on the couch. Our cushions are pretty stiff and heavy, but she attempts to get down in the crack in the corner. It always looks so uncomfortable to me, but I guess she loves it.

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That picture with his head in a shoe just cracked me up!! So cute!

Sparky Jones & Scout Jones
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this doesn't look comfortable or doesn't look like it smells very good either!

Scotty must be a wonderful little character. I bet he keeps you all laughing!

Are you sure he was asleep in that shoe... or did the smell knock Scotty unconscious? :confused1:


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