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Malcolm helps catch the bad guys, again

Malcolm's Dad

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Malcolm was taking me for a walk in the park this afternoon. We heard a boom then metal crunching. Two minivans collided, one was knocked over on its side. People hurried to the tipped over minivan trying to help the driver get out. The other minivan had a smashed front end and was spewing coolant. While the crowd was paying attention to the overturned minivan the occupants of the other minivan got out and started to walk away, out of the park and into the neighborhood. There was nothing I could do to help the trapped driver, but I could follow those people who were trying to get away.

I don't think Malcolm would track their scent unless they smelled like squirrels, but he did make a good decoy. It looked like we were just out for a walk, the couple didn't think we were following them. We walked for a few blocks. Then the people ducked into an alley. Fortunately a squad car was driving around the neighborhood. I figured they were looking for those people. I waved them down and showed them which alley the couple went down. The cops took off down the alley. Malcolm and I went to see if the cops got them. We looked down the alley and the cops were handcuffing the two.

This is the second time Malcolm has helped catch a bad guy. Last summer he alerted to a burglar trying to get away through my neighbor's yard. The cops caught the guy down the street.

I need to get a little tiny badge to put on his tags.


way to go Malcolm!


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill


He is a clever lad! but well done.



I see a plot line for a new TV series here. Malcolm PI maybe??? :lol:


That is great. We all need to teach our cairns that one. Way to go!!! :thumbsup:


Awesome job! Good going Malcom!


Way to go Malcolm! :thumbsup:


Good going Malcolm.

Vote Malcolm for Sheriff!


Good job Malcom!

As an aside, those people are a bunch of idiots for walking away from an accident...leaving the van behind? Wow... people amaze me sometimes. Which is why I prefer dogs! haha.


Well done, Officer Malcolm! Yes, he definitely needs a badge! :P


Malcolm is my hero.

ps. I'm not trying anything around him. : )


KUDDOS!! To Malcolm and you! Both of you show such bravery!! Malcolm sure has accepted you into the Cairn Terrier Police Squad!!


Way to go, Malcolm! I like the idea of your own TV show called "Malcolm P.I." And maybe Tom Selleck could be your sidekick???

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 

Way to go Malcolm! And hats off to you!! You two are a great team!!!



Awesome of both of you! So many times we hear stories of people just walking pass a ailing person, Turning a blind eye to decietful people...... Kudos for taking care of business and doing what is right!!



<<Malcolm P.I.>>

Bwaaa hahaha! That's awesome!

Congrats to both of you! Way to go Malcolm! :D


That's so awesome, especially being the 2nd time.

And it puts Lassie and Rin Tin Tin to shame!

Detective Malcolm, Malcolm CSI, PI ... he's all over it! What's next? :cop:


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