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Yes, I am a Mighty Hunter!


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WOOF! Eli, here.

Critters abound in my area this year! And I am so prepared to deal with them. Afterall, that is my job. Yesterday's critter was a HUGE wild turkey right in my very own front yard!!!!! I took off after him and scared him so bad that he took off flying!!!! HA!!! That'll teach him! Who knew turkeys could fly??!!?? Too bad I didn't catch and kill 'em. He would've been good eatin'. Roasted with gravy.

I was kinda bad last nite. The Alpha B was eating her dinner in front of the TV and got up suddenly, leaving her plate. So I finished her dinner for her. Mmmm.... roast pork tenderloin and fresh spinach sauteed with olive oil and garlic. The Alpha B was not happy with me. I was just trying to help her with her diet!

Must go patrol the yard!


Eli B)

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Yip-yip-yip! Way to go, Eli! A turkey?? I've never seen one that didn't come out of the oven! I didn't know they could fly either! There are lots of critters that visit my yard too, but my Alpha won't let me kill them. I flushed a big, juicy rabbit today and she wouldn't let me finish the job! Stupid uprights - they don't understand that we're protecting THEM! They'll be sorry when their homes are overrun by rabid, wild critters!


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Count Max here Sir!

Silly uprights don't let me protect the little upright from the nasty bunnies! I caught one by its tail, and the big Alpha made me let it go! He didn't even let me give it a good shake or anything.

That is ok, I still defend the house from the dreaded UPS man.

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Miley here :) I workin my way up to a bunny or those stupid robins, i got a roach, my human would not lemme eat it and yesterday i helped my human kill a bee yessss!

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Hey Eli...I've noticed that the uprights get a little testie over their food. They don't always share...I don't get it either.

I haven't been able to catch any critters in the yard yet, mom is alway watching me and yelling leave it. It's those dang chipmunks, they drive me crazy their all over the place. I did get to chase the deer in the yard twice in one day...that was a banner day. What gets me is two leaps and their gone. How do they do that??

Oops better run, she's coming. Byeee

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Zekey is a very unobervant hunter. He might chase a squirrel if it practically runs in front of him. Most of the time he is too busy sniffing a blade of grass to notice a rabbit crossing the path, or a small herd of deer just up ahead. I do my best to point out these critters to him, but I guess he's too engrossed in reading his p-mail to bother!

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Jock prides himself in being the best bee killer there is. It gives me nightmares but so far he has never been stung while actually killing them .He dart in chomps and flings them into the grass then goes in for the kill :P

He was only stung once and that was when we were taking him for a walk. And that is because it stung him under his chin and he couldnt get at it to dispatch the foul critter!

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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WOOF! Eli here.

No critters this weekend. Because of bad weather? I doubt it. It's more like the word got out what a bad-a$$ I am.


Eli B)

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