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Jip Update


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It feels impossible that Jip's only been part of my life since a week ago Thursday. He settled in with us as though he'd been living here forever. True, he and I have had a few 'discussions' about the marking business, and he's not so sure that little squirt Gidget should get any scritches and lovig from me, so a few more 'discussions' have come up on that subject. But on the whole, wow! What an amazing little guy. As you can imagine, he's beyond starved for someone to love him and to give love back. I can't sit without him wanting to snuggle, and he wants all the snuggling I do to go to him. He doesn't like my snuggling my baby girl--NOT gonna happen, Jip. Gidget gets loved on just as much as before, and I can love you just as much, too. So we're working on sharing Mom. Other than that, he's unbelievably smart. It only takes him three maybe four times to learn something new. Getting him to do it once he's learned? Well, what do you expect? He's a Cairn, as stubborn, independent and ornery as they come.

I began stripping that #$%**#@$ coat last Friday (Riley was too polite to call it only crazy). I'm now about halfway down to his PJs. I can't imagine he's ever been stripped before, so it's been a learning experience in grooming and tolerance for him. While he doesn't mind if I pull out dead coat on a fairly random basis here and there, he's NOT happy about me methodically stripping off dead stuff for real. But we're getting there. And the gorgeous brindling I found under all that scruffy, wild yak mess is my prize. He's a very stylish gent, with his tiger-stripes, black mask & ears, and the stunning black boots on all four feet. Can't wait to see what my little boy is going to look like next year after he's been on a better diet and I've had all those months to roll/groom his coat.

I can't put into words how blessed I feel by this little guy's presence in my life. It's wonderful to have him sacked out on one side of my desk, Gidget on the other, and Goldie, dh's Golden Retriever blocking my office chair in the back :whistle:

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Good he is making himself at home - shame he does not think sharing is good though! Hope Gidget is even tempered enough to cope............

be lovely to see some photos!


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I'm so glad Jip is fitting it and adjusting well!

hehe if you can imagine, his coat was even a bit worse before - while sitting in the front yard I HAD to strip some of his jacking and the top of his head...I'm a terrier person and it was driving me crazy :D

Kintra Cairns

Home of Multi-Group Winning Ch. Paragon's Stately Affair CD RN CGC "Zach"

And ZaZa, the Min Pin

Canine Chronicle article - "Through the Storm" about my first journey to Westminster


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Oh, I knew you'd worked on him. I could see his face :) And of course, I'm taking him all the way down to his undies. But the coloring under all that stuff is beautiful. Like Josie said in another topic about her Holly, he looked like a gray dog with a dark face. I can't wait to finish and see what he really looks like, but I've got to give the poor guy a break. Otherwise, I'd be stripping for hours straight. My pumice stone is getting quite a workout!

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