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BBC look for Toto


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The BBC are doing a search for Dorothy in a programme called "Over the Rainbow" to star in new stage version of musical produced by Andrew Llyod Webber. [http://www.bbc.co.uk/dorothy/totos/auditions.] They are also searching for a Toto but have said that any breed will do.............. the audtions are next week so hoping that loads of Cairns [and their owners] go! but in meantime someone [not me!think it originated from someone in Midland Terrier Club] has set up a petition declaring that Toto should be a Cairn. Unfortunately Holly would not be happy on stage so am not taking her to audition. But I cannot see how they could use a sheepdog or a labrador - how would Dorothy fit one in her basket? and anything smaller would get lost on stage!



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Here here! I signed the petition... here's what I said:

If Toto will be played by a sheepdog, you may as well make the munchkins 6 feet tall! Toto's a Cairn, Dorothy has dark hair, and the witch has a green face. Enough said!
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Toto is a Cairn Terrier. Any other dog will just not do for the role of Toto.

I cannot count how many people say "oh look, its a Toto dog" when i go out on a walk with Benny.

The world revolves around Benny and Sally...or so they think!

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(Putting on my best West Yorkshire accent).


I signed the petition. Toto must be a CAIRN!

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When people ask me what kind of dog Pegi is I always tell then a cairn, then a "Toto dog". That always gets them! And at 18 lbs. she's too heavy to be in a basket; the original Toto must have been a small one!

Linda & Pegi

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Thanks for telling us about this. I signed the petition, too. It would be a travesty to have any breed other than a Cairn playing the part of Toto. :nono:

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Well based upon this article...I don't think it really matters what type of dog Toto is..this search is to generate buzz around Lord Andrew Lloyd Webbers take on "The Wizard of Oz" and will only be used for one performance:


My question is why do a "redo" of Oz right now.....The Wiz is in revival on Broadway & there is a very sucessful touring production of "The Wizard of Oz" currently touring the US (And they had UK dates last year) that uses Cairn Terriers (trained by Bill Berloni). Also regional theater groups are doing their own productions of The Wizard of Oz all over the world (including the one we were in).

Raise your expectations for what your Cairn can do....and try very hard to meet your Cairn's expectations of you.
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Idaho Cairns

The local dinner theater group did a musical version of "The Wizard of Oz" a few years back and used a Schnauzer for Toto. Couldn't digest my Prime Rib! Gack.

However, I suspect for most of the audience--any old dog will probably do.

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I always laugh when I read that Toto got paid more than the actors who played the Munchkins in the original Wizard of Oz. Of *course* she should be paid more - she was in NEARLY EVERY SCENE! Sheesh! :D

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They are also searching for a Toto but have said that any breed will do..............

Why am I singing this to the tune "Any Dream Will Do" from Lloyd Webber's Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat?

My two cents: as long as the little dog they use as Toto is treated well, it doesn't matter to me what type of little dog they use.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well to bring you up to date - on this evenings "Over the Rainbow" edition of programe they showed the final 10 dogs that had been selected as possible Totos and then they were reduced to 5 [that will be tested on stage]and there were NO Cairns amongst them!! :crybaby:

In the final five are 2 crossbreed [one is cute terrier type], a mini schauzer, a pug, and a beagle.............


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An outrage!!!! :censored::nono:

What happened to the Cairn Underground Revolution? I think there needs to be a secret meeting or something!

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That's crazy!! Like Lindasue said, people will ask "what kind of dog is that?" and when I say a Cairn they say what?? When I tell them it's the same one as Toto they say "Oh yeah!!" Toto is an icon in the dog world and it is terrible that they would subsititute another breed for him!! :(

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Not having a Cairn playing Toto would be a travesty. It would be a total sham.

Actually it would be a travesty of a mockery of three mockeries of a sham!

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would they ever just pick any breed to be lassie! I think not! that really sucks they aren't going to use a cairn!!!


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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Well, for what it's worth I signed the petition. But if their subset

of choices doesn't contain a Cairn I doubt anything can be done about it. <_<

Max and Nelly

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