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Malcolm at the groomers

Malcolm's Dad

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Malcolm needed his nails clipped. He won't sit still for me to clip them. Well, actually he won't sit still for anything. So it was off to the groomers.

This was his first time at the neighborhood shop. There are three girls at this shop. I told them to get ready, he is hard to handle, a very energetic dog. One girl said she knows, she used to have a Cairn. She picks him up, puts him on the grooming stand and holds him. Another girl comes over to clip the nails. I was wondering how long it would be before all three have to work on Malcolm.

Now what do you think he does? He puts on this I'm the sweetest most well behaved little dog you have ever seen routine. He was a perfect gentleman. They were done in a few minutes. She says he's a good boy, no problem at all. I said they are putting on their arctic parkas down in Hades.

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LOL! He turned you into a liar.. My dogs do that all the time..haha...


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sometimes scotty is like that...i thought he was going to be pain at the vets when they had to take blood...then he surprises everyone by being a gentleman!


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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Hahaha! That is too funny. Malcolm's all, "Well, helllllllooooo, ladies. I'm a perfect gentleman. My upright is nuts!"

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Cairns are like children,

you can play up at home because you know how far you can go. when you are out its best behaviour untll you learn the limits,

then we can play up someone new!


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The same thing happened to me when we first got Buffy. She would act like I was torturing her if I even came close to her with the nail clippers. We brought her to the vet for a check-up and asked him to clip her nails, and she turned into an angel. I may be nuts, but here's my theory: I'm generally a little nervous and hesitant when I clip Buffy's nails because I'm always afraid of cutting too much. I think she picks up on this and gets nervous and squirmy herself. The vet is completely confident and in control - just like the girls at the grooming place - because he's done it a million times. Buffy senses this and it puts her at ease. I've learned to control my nervousness since then and now she's much more cooperative though still not the angel :innocent: she is at the vet's.

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hheldorfer I think you are right. At the park Malcolm likes people who come right up and pet him. He barks at those who appear to be afraid.

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Its not uncommon for dogs to be horrible for their owners when it comes to things like baths, grooming, and nail clipping. Sally nearly removes my fingers when I try to clip her nails. I take her to Pet's Mart and she is a little angel for them.

The world revolves around Benny and Sally...or so they think!

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