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What do you consider the most important command your Cairn knows?

Autumn & Lola

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For me, it would have to be "drop it!" I didn't even teach her that one. About 2 weeks after we got her, she took off with a pen. Those first two weeks she was grabbing anything she could get her mouth around. I tried, "give me that" "no" "stop" "put it down" and "spit it out". One day I yelled, "Drop it!" and she did, immediately. Since then I've had to use that command on a few occassions. Most recently when I was opening a bottle of soda, the cap flew out of my hand. She grabbed it immediately and I gave the command and she spit it out. She could have choked on that cap. I guess that's why I consider "drop it!" to be the most important command she knows.

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The most important to me, by far, is the "come" command. Murphy once ran out of the door before I could stop him and I was able to call him back before he ran into the street.

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"come" and "stay" I think are the most important. These commands can keep them from danger. I know with some terriers "come" and "stay" can be a little difficult for them to be very reliable.


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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Tried to get come and stay reliable, but they are still not 100%. However, "do you want a treat" is about 99.5% effective at getting the dog to stop whatever he is doing and come. So, sadly, I think "do you want a treat" is my most important command....

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Hmmm this is a tough one. "Leave it" and "drop it" are both commands Gus knows well and I'm very glad of it. As for "stay".....forget it! We've worked like crazy to get that one through to him but he's still just too squirrely to keep his butt still. (Also much too attached to Mom)

"Come" totally depends on what has his attention at the moment. Sometimes he's completely deaf and requires multiple calls to even get his attention. He'll usually come when I finally get it but at times it definitely requires a pretty good treat. "Stop!" also ranks pretty high up there.

Good question!

Rita Roetker

Mommy of (Fer)Gus

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"Drop it" and "stay." Kenna is terrible about "come," so we rely on "stay." She just mastered "stay" in the last couple of months, and still, you have to say it like you really mean it or else she plays deaf. At least it freezes her in place so you can actually catch her. Otherwise, it's hopeless. She's always been pretty good at "drop it," which is a real lifesaver, especially if you've ever dropped a pill on the floor. Speaking of which, why is it that they always want to eat human pills but we have to hide dog pills in peanut butter or cheese to get them to eat it? One of the great mysteries of life, I suppose.

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I wish it was "come" but they only do that one selectively, so the next most important is "leave it" and they usually will obey that one.

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"cookie" "Hamburger" "ride in the car"

If either dog gets loose, I know just "come" isn't going to work... but "want to go for a ride in the CAR and get a HAMBURGER" will result in little dog running to the passanger side of my car and jumping into the open door.

"Come Cookie" will result in little dog comming to me....

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Not a very good picture, but a random available snapshot: Haggis in his "party pants." He also rocks Cowboy pants, Astral Mouse pants, Halloween pants, Hot Rod Flame pants, Mr Universe (aka Galaxy) pants, Camo pants, etc.


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I'd like to say it's "come" or "leave it!", but my dogs only consider those words suggestions, not commands. If I say "park" or "car", however - with the appropriate amount of enthusiasm - either of them would drop a juicy t-bone and race to the door.

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Holly will respond to "Come Holly" if treat involved - sometimes she will come if I say "biscuit" just depends on whether she is feeling deaf or not................... "No" is very useful and I will try to say "leave it" but useually just gets her stopping what she is doing but not relinquishing item!

I must admit that I have not trained her myself but think some commands have been instilled in her by the breeder in her previous home life.

ps Haggis looks very cute in his cummerbund, but have never seen any male dogs here wearing one!


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:thumbsup: Cool pants, Bradl. My pooch has a respectable collection as well: plaid, of course, plus zebra stripes, leopard spots, camo, etc. I never thought to refer to these belly bands as "pants". Maybe that's why I can't get my dog to stand still when taking them on or off. Henceforth they shall be known around here as "pants!"


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My best command is any I give while holding a treat. All others are considered optional.

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Just keep them off the ground :D

Raise your expectations for what your Cairn can do....and try very hard to meet your Cairn's expectations of you.
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For Brogan it would be "leave it" - if he picks something up he isn't supposed to have all I have to say is "leave it" and he opens up and whatever it is - drops! ha.

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Yep jodi0553, "Come get a treat" is about the only thing Ozzy responds to 99.9% of the time. He's fairly good with "sit" (as long as I'm holding a treat). I would LOVE to get him to come reliably or stay reliably. I think "stay" has always been my favorite for dog control. Doesn't work with the Cairn Terror though. Sigh....

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