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Tiger after a good brushing!


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Tiger seems to enjoy his brushing time..I do it at least every other day as he loves to tumble around the backyard. He is growing so fast...10 weeks old already!



Mommy to Tiger Bear Born 11/26/2009

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Too cute. All your pictures of little baby Tiger makes me miss when Benny was a little baby. Enjoy Tiger while he is young...it goes way too fast.

The world revolves around Benny and Sally...or so they think!

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What a cutie patootie! Gus just turned a year and is finally calming down a little. I also remember brushing him daily when we got him at 8 weeks. As he grew and his hair got longer he got much snarkier during the brushing process and now 'suffers' through it because he gets lots of treats along the way. He, too, plays and rolls and romps in the mud and clay at the dog park and needs a daily brushing. I just can't get him to understand that if we don't brush every day it simply gets worse. Ahhh to be able to speak doggie.

I'm VERY glad for you that Tiger seems to love it. :thumbsup:

Rita Roetker

Mommy of (Fer)Gus

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