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CRCTC & National Roving Specialty


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At the Specialty this July, can we take our boys along to the events? We've never been to something like this and are thinking we may actually be able to get out there, since we're already planning a trip out that way anyway!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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You can to the earthdog tests on Monday (enter! enter!), and of course at the host hotel.

You would probably not want to take your dogs to the Expo center to the actual specialty shows at ringside - mostly due to the crowds and the hassle of being indoors on concrete floors all day long, with no place to 'park' your dogs for a rest (and it may be too hot to leave them in the car). Most people ultimately find it more enjoyable to visit, shop at the vendors, eat, and watch the dogs in the ring without having to watch their own dog 100% of the time to keep them from picking stuff up off the floor, getting into staring contests with random dogs, keep from getting stepped on, etc.

Technically there are AKC rules regarding unentered dogs on the show site. It's not the kind of ruling that anyone pays much attention to, but at crowded indoor shows it's more problematic than in outdoor shows where no one seems to care at all. If you are staying on-site in an RV space, or at the host hotel, or at the RV park on Jantzen beach, dogs are fine there.

I'd advise against it on a pure enjoyment basis. Ultimately, it's up to you.

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CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club | 2025 Calendar



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Okay, good info. And I'm glad you mentioned the RV park on Jantzen Beach since we'll be coming in an RV. Thanks!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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