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Louie may be getting a sister!


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We have been looking around for a pal for Louie. He had such a good time with all the dogs at my mom's house over Christmas and since we've been home, he's been a little lonely it seems. I've looked around online for different dogs at shelters and decided we just needed to GO to a shelter and see what they had. I wanted another small dog as our house is little.

Right now it's between a 2 yr old terrier mix named Ruby. She kind of looks like a mix of a Yorkie/curly Dachsund. I don't know. She's very course, black with tan markings and super long legs. Really cute. About 10 lbs. Two cages down was empty. I overhead a worker say "That's where we have a Toto dog" pointing to an empty cage. I looked at the info and yep a Cairn Terrier!! Six year old female named Cuddles. Black I think? Silver?. Maybe Brindle (I saw some brown in there) a white patch on her chest. She looks more "cairn" than Louie that's for sure. She was still super playful, played ball with the kids. She was given up because she bit a child recently. First instance in six years. She hasn't been there long. Actually, while we were waiting to see her, the worker took her to the vet tech really quick as she suspected an ear infection. Yep. Probably the kid was bothering her when she wasn't feeling well and reacted. It's such a shame. :(

So, we can't go tomorrow for a meet and greet this weekend as we have too much going on with my husband going on deployment on Tuesday. We are doing in on Monday. It will come down to which Louie gets along best with. :)

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Good luck, they both sound like good dogs, hope Louie will appreciate all the hard work your putting into this.

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Good luck hope it works out for you all. I also want to adopt another cairn when the time is right. I look on petfinder and they are so tempting.

Can't wait to hear how it turns out. What state are you in?

cairn terriers leave pawprints on our lives
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I cant wait to hear what comes home with you. THANK YOU for rescuing. There are so many wonderful dogs sitting at the shelters. I love hearing stories like this. My favorite ones!!!!


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