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Cairn Terrier Terrier Talk UK!


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Not sure if this should be here but no doubt Bradl will move it if required!

My friend Sandra [who has 4 Cairns] has started off a UK Forum www.cairnterriertalk.co.uk and because she thinks I am clever I am involved with it. Although it is based here in UK [actually designed in Sheffield 15 miles from me!] we are happy to accept members from anywhere and would appreciate the knowledge of you lot joining in if you wish! It is another resource of course but with an UK slant on foods/events etc. There may be some teething problems as we get going so if you find snags please bear with us.

I will still continue to post on this Forum as it has been so valuable in helping me with Holly, and I enjoy reading about other folks Cairns anyway - I also feel as if I actually know some of you well now too.

Holly just sighs, curls up on mat next to me and probably thinks she is ignored again whilst I spend yet more time on that computer!


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It is great that some of you have joined........... now we want to get some topics going!


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Well, our 'official' opening day is 1st December 2009 but happily, some of you have already registered and of course it is lovely to have you join us.

I don't want to filch bradl's members, so I hope that you will all find time to post in both.

It was strange how it all came about. Firstly Holly&me often regaled me with stories from this forum so that piqued my interest.

Then my friend's 10 year old Springer Spaniel, Lucy died in tragic circumstances. As she has always had a dog she wanted to have another so we had to to decide on what to get, particularly as she is now a senior citizen, albeit quite fit.

After much discussion we eventually found a beautiful Border Terrier puppy, Katy so I enrolled my friend in the Border Terrier World forum for helpful advice (she had never used a forum before).

I was so impressed with it that I contacted the owner of the site to ask her about it. To cut a long story short she gave me advice and Cairn Terrier Talk UK came into being. Our web designer is the same and BTW feels like our 'big sister'. I hope that it is as popular - it has been going strong for 5 years.

I am very much a novice at this so it is a steep learning curve, and I am grateful for Holly&me's support as I did kind of 'rope her in' (hope she doesn't mind!).

Our forum is very much 'work in progress' and there aren't many people involved at this stage but I am hoping that it grows and is just as successful as this one. Most of all, it will be nice to 'talk Cairn'.


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